Form N9D
Published date | 21 March 2018 |
N9D Defence and Counterclaim (unspecied amount, non-money and return of goods claims) (04.08) © Crown copyright 2008
Defence and Counterclaim
(unspecied amount, non-money
and return of goods claims)
1. Defence
Name of court
Claim No.
(including ref.)
(continue over the page)
• Fill in this form if you wish to dispute all or part of the claim
and/or make a claim against the claimant (a counterclaim)
• You have a limited number of days to complete and return
this form to the court.
• Before completing this form, please read the notes for
guidance attached to the claim form.
• Please ensure that all the boxes at the top right of this
form are completed. You can obtain the correct names
and number from the claim form. The court cannot trace
your case without this information.
How to ll in this form
• Set out your defence in section 1. If necessary continue
on a separate piece of paper making sure that the claim
number is clearly shown on it. In your defence you must
state which allegations in the particulars of claim you
deny and your reasons for doing so. If you fail to deny an
allegation it may be taken that you admit it.
• If you dispute only some of the allegations you must
- specify which you admit and which you deny; and
- give your own version of events if different from the
• If the claim is for money and you dispute the claimant’s
statement of value, you must say why and if possible give
your own statement of value.
• If you wish to make a claim against the claimant
(a counterclaim) complete section 2.
• Complete and sign section 3 before returning this form.
Where to send this form
• send or take this form immediately to the court at the
address given on the claim form.
• Keep a copy of the claim form and the defence form.
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are eligible for legal aid, the service can offer specialist
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