Malcolm M Combe, The Scotways Guide to the Law of Access to Land in Scotland

Published date01 May 2019
Date01 May 2019

In the year 1845 – a date nearer to the Union than to our own times – was founded a society that has contributed much to the public good of Scotland: the Scottish Rights of Way Society. Incorporation followed 101 years later. Today the society bears two names, one official and long, “the Scottish Rights of Way and Access Society”, and the other, unofficial but snappy and (on the perhaps unwise assumption that this reviewer is capable of identifying such a thing) trendy: “ScotWays”.

In the 1980s it began to publish a guide to the law. It started with a twenty-eight page pamphlet by Sandy Anton called Rights of Way: A Guide to the Law in Scotland (1986). A revised version appeared in 1991. In 1996 Douglas Cusine brought out a second edition, of forty pages, and ten years later there was a third, by Roddy Paisley, running to eighty-eight pages, and with a revised title: Access Rights and Rights of Way: A Guide...

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