Piers Pommeroy's suffering from merger mania, but he's not sure which deal will cause more grief: his firm's planned takeover by a major plc or his mother's impending marriage to his former boss.

AuthorPommeroy, Piers
PositionSECRET DIARY - Diary entry

Week 1

According to Henry, whose alma maters regularly top the educational league tables and whose erudition, therefore, exceeds even mine, life reserves the heaviest blows for those with the broadest shoulders. If that were true, I'd surely bear a closer resemblance to Sly Stallone, whereas I look more like Keanu Reeves. (Note to future editor of the PP diaries: insert photo of me aged 16 at this point in the text to demonstrate this.)

So now I have yet another secret. The pressure of all this deception is rather getting me down. Even Celia has noticed that I have, temporarily at least, lost my light-hearted approach to life. She seems to think that I'm taking myself too seriously as a result of my exam success. Little does she know.

As I suspected, the presence of the group FD at the little meeting the other day was to ensure that we were all there to hear the big news. Apparently, our firm is to be taken over by a major quoted company, which is the reason why we're having to adopt IFRS. It's all still under wraps until the...

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