Medical report for gender recognition

Published date21 March 2018
Page 1
Guidelines for registered medical practitioners and
registered psychologists
To facilitate completion of the Medical Report Proforma
for Gender Recognition
Gender Recognition Act 2004
Updated June 2014
The information in this publication is available in alternative formats on request. Please
contact the Gender Recognition Panel administrative team on 0300 123 4503 or
All medical reports submitted to the Gender Recognition Panel must be supplied by a
doctor or a registered psychologist, registered with the General Medical Council (GMC)
or the Health and Care Professions Council. Please note that since November 2009 this
means that the doctor must be both registered with the GMC and also hold a licence to
Overview of process
The Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) established the Gender Recognition Panel to
determine applications from transsexual people aged 18 or over who wish to be legally
recognised in their acquired gender. To gain a Gender Recognition Certificate, individuals
must apply providing evidence that meets the requirements of the GRA. This will include
medical evidence.
Your patient is applying for legal recognition of their gender change. Depending on the
type of application your patient is making, s/he will be required to submit at least one and
possibly two medical reports. In the case of a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, the medical
report must be from either a medical practitioner or a registered psychologist, practising in
the field of gender dysphoria.
The requirements that relate to the evidence provided by the applicant’s medical
practitioner or registered psychologist are described below.

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