Form A1

Published date21 March 2018
© Crown Copyright 2018
Notice of [intention to
proceed with] a nancial
application to which the
fast-track procedure applies
Form A1 Notice of [intention to proceed wit h] a nancial application to which the fast-tr ack procedure applies (06.18v2)
Nature of application
Full name of applicant
Full name of respondent(s)
To be completed by the Applicant
The Family Court sitting at Case No.
To be completed by the court
Fee charged/Remission ID
Are you applying for an order by consent in the terms of a
written agreement (a consent order)? Yes No If Yes, attach the draft order
to this form
This form should only be completed if you are applying for one of the following orders for nancial provision
(a nancial order or other nancial remedy) to which the fast-track procedure applies:
an application for a periodical payments order only (under section 23 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, paragraph
2 of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004 or paragraphs 1 or 2 of Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989)
nancial provision under Part 1 of the Domestic Proceedings and Magistrates’ Courts Act 1978 or Schedule 6 to the
Civil Partnership Act 200 4
an application to vary or discharge a periodical payments order, except where you seek to discharge it and to
substitute for it one or more of the following orders: a lump sum order, a property adjustment order, a pension
sharing order or a pension compensation sharing order – use Form A in these circumstances.
If you are applying for:
a periodical payments order together with another type of nancial order or nancial remedy – please complete
Form A.
nancial provision after an overseas divorce etc (use Form D50F) or on the ground of failure to maintain a party or
child (use Form D50C) or for alteration of a maintenance agreement during the parties’ lifetime (use Form D50H).
This application is for nancial provision, including provision to be made to or for the benet of the child(ren):
in connection with matrimonial or civil partnership proceedings (divorce, dissolution etc), or
under paragraphs 1 or 2 of Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989, or
under Part 1 of the Domestic Proceedings and Magistrates’ Courts Act 1978 or Schedule 6 to the Civil Partnership
Act 2004
tick the statement that applies tick one of the following orders
a periodical payments order only
a periodical payments order or lump sum order
under Part 1 of the Domestic Proceedings and
Magistrates’ Courts Act 1978 or Schedule 6 to the
Civil Partnership Act 200 4
The applicant i ntends:
to apply to the Court for, or
to proceed with the application in the [divorce]
[dissolution] [nullity] [annulment] [(judicial)
separation] application for, or
to apply to vary, or
to apply to discharge
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