Partners, guests or competitors

AuthorAlice Mills,Rosie Meek,Dina Gojkovic
Published date01 December 2012
Date01 December 2012
Subject MatterArticles
Partners, guests
or competitors:
between criminal
justice and third sector
staff in prisons
Alice Mills
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Rosie Meek
Teeside University, United Kingdom
Dina Gojkovic
University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Recent policy documents have promoted partnership working between criminal justice
agencies and third sector organizations (TSOs) as a means to tackle re-offending.
However, the context in which such partnership working takes place has received little
attention despite the fact that relationships between frontline criminal justice staff and
TSOs are likely to be crucial to successful initiatives. This article draws on qualitative
interviews with prison staff and representatives from TSOs in eight prisons to examine
relations between the two groups and to consider whether TSOs are treated as
partners, guests or competitors in prisons.
partnership working, prisons, professionalization, third sector, volunteering
Corresponding Author:
Alice Mills. Department of Sociology, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New
Probation Journal
59(4) 391–405
ªThe Author(s) 2012
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0264550512458475
The Journal of Community and Criminal Justice

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