Perceptions on the impact of anti-bribery measures, strategies and programs on the persistence of bribery practices in Nigeria

Published date24 October 2021
Date24 October 2021
AuthorAbubakar Abubakar Saddiq,Abu Sufian Abu Bakar
Perceptions on the impact of
anti-bribery measures, strategies
and programs on the persistence
of bribery practices in Nigeria
Abubakar Abubakar Saddiq
Department of General Studies, Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic,
Bauchi, Bauchi, Nigeria, and
Abu Sufian Abu Bakar
School of Economics, Finance and Banking, Universiti Utara Malaysia,
Sintok, Malaysia
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess the perceptions of the grassroots on the impact of
combative policy measures, strategiesand programs introduced by the government and the civil society to
reduce persistentoccurrences of bribery practicesin Nigeria.
Design/methodology/approach Multi-stage or cluster samplingwas used to acquire the data for this
paper via survey questionnaire administered to the grassroots in Abuja, Nigeria. The data set is used to
assess the impact of the various policy measures, strategies and programs on the persistence of bribery
practices in Nigeria.The multiple linear regression method was usedto estimate the data generated from 836
responsesin Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS) version 26.
Findings The result of the estimations indicates that the respondents perceived that some of the policy
measures, strategies and programs introduced have reduced persistence of bribery practices in Nigeria,
whereas othershave remained ineffective in reducingthe persistence of bribery practices in Nigeria.
Originality/value Previous studies on the impact of anti-bribery policy measures, strategies and
programs were largely based on the perceptions of international institutions and business executives; this
study appearsto be the pioneer to focus on the perceptions of the grassrootsin Abuja, Nigeria.
Keywords Assessment, Grassroots, Anti-bribery measures, Strategies, Programs,
Persistence of bribery practices
Paper type Research paper
The socio-economic repercussions of bribery practices such as the diversion of limited
resources from productive to unproductive sectors of the economy, breaking of economic
laws, discouragement of domestic and foreigninvestments among others (Hunt and Laszlo,
2012;Boles, 2014); prompted countries and international organisations to introduce various
policy measures, strategies and programs to tacklethe practices. Such measures, strategies
and programs include: economic, administrative, political, legislative and auditing
measures, strategies and programs (Karhunen and Ledyaeva, 2012;Klinkhammer, 2013),
cracking down offenders, monitoring government spending procedures, establishment of
autonomous agencies and citizen advocacy (Banuri and Eckel, 2015), United States (US)
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977; Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Journalof Financial Crime
Vol.29 No. 4, 2022
pp. 1356-1369
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/JFC-08-2021-0181
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:

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