Peter Mankowski (ed), Commercial Law, Article by Article Commentary

Published date01 September 2020
Date01 September 2020

This book, published jointly by Nomos, Hart, and Beck, will, rightly, be regarded as an essential purchase by practically anyone who practises, studies or teaches cross-border commercial law, or aspects thereof, concerning the sale of goods or the movement of goods in connection with such sales. This book offers the reader the tantalising prospect of an excellent and up-to-date English language legal commentary in one manageable volume that has been written by a cast of twenty-one distinguished and international subject experts to cover thirteen different international legal instruments. The instruments in question are a sensible mix of the most important conventions, rules and practices regarding the cross-border sale and related transportation of goods other than by sea. Though carriage of goods by sea is omitted, presumably for reasons of space, carriage by inland waterway is covered. Each of the instruments included benefits from an expertly judged level of coverage via an article-by-article analysis of its provisions appropriate to its complexity and importance in the context of the commercial law activities covered by the book.

The commentary...

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