Purnell v Purnell
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Judgment Date | 1961 |
Year | 1961 |
Date | 1961 |
Court | Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division |
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1 cases
Ben Hashem v Al Shayif
...J in Scollick v Scollick [1927] P 205, by Langton J in Colclough v Colclough and Fisher [1933] P 143 at page 146 and by Cairns J in Purnell v Purnell [1961] P 141 at page 340 280. What is clear, in my judgment, both as a matter of principle and on the authorities, is that, where children......
1 books & journal articles
The Organization as a Political System
...Science Quar-terly, 13 (December 1968), 417-40; Amitai Etzioni, A Comparative Analysis of Com-plex Organizations (Glencoe: Free Press, 1961), pp. 141-49; Edgar H. Schein, zational Socialization and the Profession of Management," Industrial Management Review, 9 (Winter 1968), 1-16. 4 Robert ......