R v Chelsea College of Art and Design, ex parte Nash

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
CourtQueen's Bench Division
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4 cases
  • Mr David Anthony Winstanley v Professor Brian D Sleeman (First Defendant) University of Leeds (Second Defendnat)
    • United Kingdom
    • Queen's Bench Division
    • 13 December 2013
    ...to Sedley LJ's list of areas which are off limits to the court rather than detracting from them. 54 Finally, for completeness, I mention R v Chelsea ex parte Nash [2000] ELR 686, (tab 6). I do so because it was referred to by Mr Oldham but I have to say I do not see how it takes matters any......
  • R v Commissioner for Local Administration, ex parte H (A Minor)
    • United Kingdom
    • Queen's Bench Division
    • 21 December 1999
  • Nash v Chelsea College of Art and Design
    • United Kingdom
    • Queen's Bench Division (Administrative Court)
    • 20 July 2001
    ...to the Committee; and that the Committee should have informed her of the material that was to go before it. His decision is reported at [2000] Ed C R 571, and I refer to it for the previous history of this matter, and the constitution of the 3 As a result of the decision of Elias J, the Aca......
  • R (Turpin) v Commissioner for Local Administration
    • United Kingdom
    • Queen's Bench Division (Administrative Court)
    • 28 June 2001
    ...in his skeleton argument, has referred to observations made by Elias J recently in R v Chelsea College of Art and Design, ex parte Nash [2000] Ed CR 571 at 583D: “It is a strong principle of English law that a decision making body should not consider the relevant material without giving the......

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