R v Cockshott
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Date | 1898 |
Year | 1898 |
Court | Divisional Court |
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27 cases
BH v Norwich Youth Court
...relation to the distinction between a procedural and a jurisdictional requirement. Mr Rule began his review of the authorities with R v Cockshott and others [1898] 1 Q.B. 582 and moved forward from there. We do not need engage in any historical analysis of the position. The issue we have t......
R v Ashton; R v Draz; R v O'Reilly
...down for determining mode of trial will have the consequence that any subsequent hearing will be regarded as ultra vires: R v Cockshott [1898] 1 QB 582, R v Kent Justices, ex parte Machin (1952) 36 Cr App R 23, R v Horseferry Road Magistrates' Court ex parte Constable [1981] Crim L R 504. 6......
Re McC. (A Minor)
...resulted in a trespass to the person. 48 Lord Lowry C.J. in giving the judgment of the Court of Appeal referred to Reg. v. Cockshott [1898] 1 Q.B. 582 and Reg. v. Kettering Justices, Ex parte Patmore [1968] 1 W.L.R. 1436. These are both cases where convictions following summary trials by ju......
R Ali Bahbahani v Ealing Magistrates' Court
... ... In the case of R v Cockshott [1898] 1 QB 582 a Divisional Court held that the failure to inform an accused of his right to be tried by a jury, when he was entitled to make that choice pursuant to section 17 of the Summary Jurisdiction Act 1879, was the breach of an absolute rule that the accused should be provided with ... ...
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1 books & journal articles
Divisional Court Cases
...asentence of morethanthree months' imprisonment is imposed has always beenjealously guarded by the High Court.InR.v. Cockshutt (1898,1Q.B. 582) it was held that the right to be explicitly informedthattheoffence was one in which trial byjurycould beclaimed, could not be waived. As Darling J.......