R v Socialist Worker Printers and Publishers Ltd, ex parte Attorney General
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Date | 1974 |
Year | 1974 |
Court | Divisional Court |
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45 cases
R v Westminster City Council, ex parte Castelliand Another
... ... Cases referred to in judgment:Attorney-General v Leveller Magazine [1979] AC 441 ... rmingham Post and Mail Ltd v Birmingham City Council (1994) 158 LG Rev 523 ... R v Socialist Worker, ex parte Attorney-General [1975] 1 QB ... ...
MH v Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland
...Section 11 thus resolves the doubt which had arisen following [R v Socialist Worker Printers and Publishers Ltd, ex p Attorney-General[1975] QB 637] as to the power of the court to make such ancillary orders at common law. The directions which the court is permitted to give are such as appe......
...the House of Lords in Scott v Scott [1913] AC 417. In more recent times Lord Widgery CJ said much the same thing in R v Socialist Workers Printers ex parte Attorney General [1975] QB 637, as did Lord Diplock in Home Office v Harman [1983] 1 AC 280 at 303 and Lord Steyn in Re S (a child)(Ide......
Attorney General v Times Newspapers Ltd
... ... Chancery Division of the High Court against the publishers and editors of the newspapers, the "Observer" and the ... case of an action in which a company obtains an ex parte injunction until the next motion day to prevent a creditor ... ...
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4 books & journal articles
...Commission v Parish (1980) 43 FLR 129, 132 (Bowen CJ)), blackmail (R v Socialist Worker Printers & Publishers Ltd; Ex parte A-G (UK) [1975] 1 QB 637, 649, 652 (Lord Widgery CJ, Milmo J agreeing at 653, Ackner J agreeing at 653); John Fairfax Group Pty Ltd (rec and mgr apptd) v Local Cou......
Reforming Police Powers of Stop And Search: Voluntary Action
...at col. 832.15. Ibid.16. See, for example, the remarks of Lord Widgery CJ in R v Socialist Worker Printers and Publishers Ltd, ex p A-G [1975] QB 637 at 651, and those of Lord Woolf MR in R v Legal Aid Board, ex p Kaim Todner ( a firm) [1999] QB 966 at 977.17. See R (on the application of ......
Privy Council
...proceedings in court, perhaps bygranting anonymity to a witness or victim (see, for example, R vSocialistWorker, ex p. Attorney-General [1975] 1 QB 637; Attorney-General vLevellerMagazine [1979] AC 440) which has then had the consequential effect ofregulating what can or cannot be published......
Divisional Courts
...the Crown had to produceevidence that disclosure would be "prejudicial to the national safety".Relying on the "Socialist Worker" case, 1975 QB 637, (where it wasdecided that the identityofblackmail victims could be suppressed bythe Court), and R. ". Lewes Justices, Ex parte SecretaryofState......