Re Sick and Funeral Society of St. John's Sunday School, Golcar
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Year | 1972 |
Date | 1972 |
Court | Chancery Division |
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24 cases
Abdul Rahim v Ling How Doong and Others
... ... The longer name of the case is Re The Sick and Funeral Society of St. John`s Sunday School, Golcar , but I shall refer to it, for short, as Dyson` ... ...
Joyce Irene Hardy and Another v David John Hoade and Others
...229, Ungoed-Thomas J. applied the per capita approach to the dissolution of an allotment association. 12.5 In Re. Sick & Funeral Society St John's Sunday School, Golcar [1973] Ch. 51, Megarry J. applied the per capita approach to the dissolution of a scheme to provide sickness and death ben......
- Haji Mokty bin Datuk Mahmood and Others; Lim Yee Cheong
- Re National Union of Flint Glassworkers
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2 books & journal articles
...Girozentrale v Islington London Borough Council [1996] AC 669 at 709. 25 Re Sick and Funeral Society of St John‘s Sunday School, Golcar [1973] Ch 51. 26 [2009] SGHC 20 at [34]. 27 [2009] SGHC 8 at [42]-[50]. 28 [1999] 1 SLR(R) 1126. 29 Cheong Yoke Kuen v Cheong Kwok Kiong [1999] 1 SLR(R) 11......
Piercing the Corporate Veil: Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd
...v Yardley [2002] UKHL 12, [2002] 2 AC 164. Megarry VC stated in Re Sick and Funeral Society of St John's Sunday School, Golcar, 10 10 [1972] 2 All ER 439. that “a resulting trust is essentially a property concept; any property that a man does not effectually dispose of remains his own”. The......