Rysak v Rysak and Bugajaski
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Year | 1966 |
Date | 1966 |
Court | Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division |
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5 cases
Kingston upon Thames Borough Council v Prince
...As far as the protection under the Rent Act is concerned, we think the position is correctly stated in Megarry's The Rent Acts [10th ed (1967) p 179] namely that it is immaterial whether the relevant tenancy is legal or equitable….' 33 A minor clearly can succeed to the actual tenancy held ......
Barder v Caluori
...of action which his personal representative could enforce against the co-respondent under section 1(1) of the Act of 1934. 30 In Rysak v. Rysak and Bugajaski [1967] P. 179 a husband obtained a decree absolute against his wife on the grounds of adultery, together with an order against the co......
- Kalejs v Minister for Justice and Customs
Barder v Caluori
...before his death, against a wife to transfer property to her husband could be enforced by his executors after his death) and Rysak v Rysak (1967) P179 Can award of damages against a co-respondent could after his death be enforced against his estate). In the last-mentioned case, Mr Justice P......
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3 books & journal articles
Metropolitan "Fragmentation": A Research Note
...and taxing. Alan K. Campbell and Seymour Sacks, Metropolitan America: Fiscal Patterns and GovernmentalSystems (New York: Free Press, 1967), p. 179. 18 with 474, San Francisco with 312, Portland with 385, and Los Angeles with233. In contrast there are several single county metropolitan areas......
Price Discrimination and Eec Cartel Law: A Review of the Kodak Decision of the Commission of the European Communities
...fuer den privaten Ge-schaeftsverkehr in den Europaeischen Gemeinschaftsvertraegen, inBeitraege zum EWG-Kartellrecht, 1967, p. 179 et seq.Canenbley, C., Das Diskriminierungsverbot in den Wettbewerbs-regeln des VertrageszurGruendung der Europaeischen Wirtschafts-gemeinschaft, Marburg, 1970, p......
NCBA, Black Aged and Politics
...Bulletin 51 (1970), pp. Thune, "Racial Attitudes of Older Adults," 5-8; Barbara J. Solomon, "Ethnicity, Mental Gerontologist 7 (1967), pp. 179-182; Health, and the Older Black Aged," in Eth- Goldstein, "Home Tenure and Expenditure nicity, Mental Health and Aging (Los Patterns of the Aged, 1......