South London Waterworks Act 1805

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Citation1805 c. cxix
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An A<51 for fupplying the Inhabitants of the Parifh
of Saint Giles Camberwell, and Parts of the Parifh
of Saint Mary s Lambeth, and feveral other Parifhes
and Places in the County of Surrey, with Water.
[12th July
HEREAS the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Saint Giles Camber-
well, and. Pares of ihe federal Pari flics of SahU Mary Lambetb,
Saint John's and Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondfey, Sa:nt Mary
Ralberbitbe, Saint Nicholas and Saint Paul's Depiford, and Saint Mary
Newington, and alfo the Inhabitanrs of the Ti'wnfhips, Harnlecs,
and PJaces following that is to lay, JValzvorib, Kensington, Stockivcll,
Clapbam, Peckham, Pcckhcm Rye, Dulwub, ami Place.- adj.ic.nt, in the
Comity of Surrey, ate dcfirous to have an additional Supply of good and
wholch,me Water for domeftiv k Purpofes : And whereas lame Parts of
the Add feveral Parifhes, Townfhips, Mamlers an-' Places, arc become
very populous, and are greatly inrreafid in Houles and Buildings, and
.in cafe of Accidents by Fire, ihc Inhabitants r.f foch llonfrs and Build-
ings would be cxpoled'to the mo ft calamitous Lolles tor Want of a lur-
cher Supply of Water : And whereas the creeling and making of One or
more Refci'voir or Rcfcrvoirs, at or near a certain Place called keiunngton
If Per.2 26 C Green,
2310 45* GEORG1I III. Cap. tig.
Green in the faid Parifli of Saint Mary Lambeth, or at or near- a certain
Creek called Vauxhall Creekj or at or nc-ar a certain other Creek or Dock,
near or adjoining ccitain Gardens; called Cumberland Tea Gardens, all in
the faid Parifli of Saint Mary Lamb€t&>rwnh ,pr(?pcr. Cuts, Channels, or
Aqueducb, f^r'-fupplying the fafd .Re.fcrvoir or Rcfcrvoirs, and other
Works, with Wafer;, for the Ule of the Inhabitants of the laid fcveral
Parifhes, Townfhips,,/Hamlets, and Places, would tend ;to j>rcm<>te the
beneficial l^urpofcs^kforefaid : And whereas the fcveral Pcrfons- herein-
after named, are vvilllrii< and'dcGrous, at their own Expcnce, to'en ct and
make fuch Refervoir or Rclcryo'irs, Cuts, Channels, Aqueducb, and
other Work?, requifite and neceflfary for the Pur poles aforcUi'd, but can-
not efFr£t the fame without the Aid and Authority of Parliament ;. May
it therefore pleafe Your Majcfly that it may heen^&ed ; and be it enacted
by the King's mod Excellent Mnjcfty, by and with the Advice and Con-
fent of the JLords and Tcmpcr-ii, and-Commons, in thLv.prefcnt
Parliament cifTcmbl d, and by (he Authority of the fame, ,Th-t Jofepb
Alcock, Thomas Alcock^ yohn Alcock* George Alexander\ Maria A!cocky Sir
James Alexander, Thomas
William Bow!ey% James Burton^ William
Brpadhurfta Edward B.edell, Edward
Thomas C>azvhyy Jofepb Cajlell, Nathaniel Chaieman, Horatio Claggctt,
IVilliam Coltman, Solomon Davies Ewensy Arthur Edwards,
IVilliam Green, John Garaasy Thomas Goleborny John Hall, George Hill,
Herron, J D Humbert, IVilliam Holmer*
Charles Hyde, Samuel Hall^ John Jackfon, James Kiernay^ Thomas Leach,
JP.atrick Town/end IJghtfoot, George Lambert, Sir Jofepb Mawbey -Baronet,
Edward James Mafcat, Mackiaby% S Medley, Benjamin Hirjl
John Scbavrtll Newton, Newman* IVilliam Peppercorn*
James Peppercorn* Archibald Paxton. George Powel, Thomas Pitman, Thomas
Palfcr, Jofepb S^infcy, IVilliam J%uinfey9. IViliam Rawfon,
KuJJcU Strotbcr* Robert Slade, Thomas Simpf$n, Enos Smith, George
/5urridgje% and Simon Watts, together with-fuch other Per Ion or Pet ions,
Bb.diefs Politick and Corporate, as ftiall at any Time hrreafcer be poflcfTcd
of One or more Share or Shares in the faid Undertaking, and the
Executors, Administrators, and Afligns of .fuch fcveral Pcrfons, and
Bodies Politick and Corporate, fhall be and they are hereby accordingly
Incorporated, united into a Cprnpany, for the making, completing, and maintaining the
faid Waterworks, Rcfcrvoirs, Aqucdudls, and other Works hereby au-
thorized to be made, according to the Rules, Order?, and Directions
hc3rein>after exprefTed, and fhal! for that Purpofe be One Body, Politick
atui (Corporate, by the Name of The Company of Proprietors of the South
London IVaterworks \ and by that Name fhall have perpetual Succeifion,
and a common Seal, and by that Name fhall or may fue and be fued, and
fhall alfo have full Power to purchafe Lands, Tenements, or Heredita-
rnems, to them, their Succtffors and Affigns, tor the Ufe of the faid
Undertaking, without incurring any of the Penalties or Forfeitures of the
Statutes of Mortmain.
Their Style.
Oncers of ihe
Company -ind
Court of t>i-
rew»o;s, fee,
If. And be it further enacted, That, for the better managing and con-
ducing the" Affairs of the,faid Company, there fliall be Twelve Dire£tor5,
and a Trcafurer, Engineer, and; Principal Clerk, and fuch other Clerks
and Officers as may be found ricceflary for conducting the Bufinds of the
faid Waterworks; and that Sir Jcfepb Mawbey Baronet, Sir James Alex-
akder Knight, James Brogdcn, Jofepb Alcqck* IVilliam Green,-Archibald
GEORGII 111. Cap. ii9. 231*
Jofeph ^uh:feyy Timothy Leach, Willi dm Bro^dhtcji, Solomon Ba~
Robert S/ade> and 'Simon IVatts^ Efquircs, /hall be thr b irft Twelve Di-
rectors of the fa id Com party, and fhall continue Directors until Tome Ge-
neral Meeting to be htrld Twelve Caltridar Months after the Fir ft General
Meeting appointed to br held "after Vlie pafii -g of this Aft, and uriiil
others dial! ben in their Stead, "unleT.-. anv fuch Director, fhall bs re-
moved or difpofe^df his Stock, lb as' to reduce the lame below Five Shares
of the Capital Stdcic^of the faid Company ; and no Perfon fhall be eligible
or qaaiifie' be cfrofe'rf'/a Director, unltfs he fh;tl! puff Is and hold, in
his-own Right, Fi\'e Share's,, G;\pira
SEOCIV of the faid Company ; and at
the Expiration ofTuch Period,'7Three of the then Directors fhall go out
bf KBallov'cwd the other Nine'fhall continue Directors for the fuccceding
Yei'.r, and Three more Qualified Proprietors iliall be chofen Directors; and
at' theJEnd"of the 'Sec'ond, Third, and Fourth Yeors, Three of the old
Directors-fhtill go-out^itf like Manner, and Three more qualified Perfons
fhall be chofen as D(re£lors, and for ever thrreafter Three of the oldeft
Dire£tors fhall in Iike*Mann~r go out and others chofen in their Stead 5
and all the Directors chofen af\cr the parting of this Act fhall continue in
Office unnl the annual General Meeting after their Election, and until
others fhall be chofen as above defcribed.
And be it further enacted, That the Fir ft General Aflcmbly of the Firft and
faid Company of Proprietors for putting this Aft into Execution, fhall oi^r General
be held at the Pilgrim Tavern, Vaitxbali% upon the Second Monday next
after the parting of this Act, or as f »on 'after as conveniently may be, ar
•trie;-Hourvof Eleven of the Clock in the' Forenoon ; rind all future General
Artemblies^of the faid'.Company (except fuch Special General AfTc.mblies
as hereinafter mentioned) fhall be held on the Firft Monday in the Munch
of June in every Year; at the Hour of Eleven in the Forenoon, at fuch
Place or Places as th^WdcCornpany of Proprietors at their preceding
General AflerrYblies fhall'from Time dired: and appoinr, of which
future General Affcmblies Teh'Days "'previous Notice at the lea ft (hall be
given by publick'Adverdfement, to be infer ted in fome Newfpaper ufu-
ally circulating in the County through which the faid Waterwoiks fhall
or in fuch other Manner as the f«»id Company of Proprietors at their
refpeftive-General Aflcmblies ftrall direct.
.nd be it further enadted, Th3t the faid Company of Proprietors General Af-
ePower and* Aodidfity,* at any fuch General Aflcmbly, to re- jcmbhcS4
IV. Ai
fhall have , . - - _ . . - _,, ,
move irrd "diTphce any Direftor, Treafurer, Engineer, Principal Ckrk»
or Officer .or Officer's, Perron or Pi-rfons, in this Aft mentioned, or who
been chofen after the paffing
and to choofc and eledl
others, 'andto revoke, alrer, amend, or change any of the Rules and Di-
reaions which-may have been prefcribed or laid down by virtue of this
-with regard to their Proceedings arnor.gft themfclves as they fhall
think proper (the Method of calling General or Special Aflcmblits, and
voting for and appointing Direftors, only excepted;; and fhall have
Power and Authority to make fuch Rules, Bye-Laws, and Orders, for
the uob'd Gdvernmcrit of the
Company, and their Servants, Agents,
and "Workmen, and for rht'Superintendancc and Management of the laid
Undertaking, and from Time to.,Time to alter or repeal the faid Bye-
Rules, Orders, and Regulation's, and to impofe and inflict luch
re'afonablc F.nes and forfeitures upon all Perfons who fhall off. nd
fame; as to the major Part of fuch General Aflcmbly fhall feem meet,

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