Sultan of Johore v Abubakar
Jurisdiction | UK Non-devolved |
Judgment Date | 22 April 1952 |
Date | 22 April 1952 |
Docket Number | Case No. 38 |
Court | Privy Council |
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40 cases
- Re Westerling
Madzimbamuto v Lardner-Burke
...Third Edition, Vol. 7, paragraphs 593–603 at pp. 279–286. Thus, in the case of Sultan of Johore v. Abubakar Tunku Aris BendaharELR (1952), A.C. 318,[1] their Lordships had before them a letter from the Secretary of State to the Rulers of the Malay States in which it was categorically assert......
Owners of the Philippine Admiral v Wallem Shipping (Hong Kong) Ltd (The Philippine Admiral)
...jurisdiction of the state in which the action is brought which was left open in Sultan of Johore v. Abubakar Tunku Aris BendaharELRINTL [1952] A.C. 318, 343[8] and (b) the ‘trust fund cases,’ in which the court has not been deterred from administering a trust subject to its jurisdiction by ......
Rahimtoola v Nizam of Hyderabad [England, House of Lords.]
...of his own or any other country without his consent. These cases have received a check lately by the case of the Sultan of Johore v. Abubakar Tunku A rig Bendahar and Others [1952] A.C. 318 at pages 343-4, where the Privy Council rejected the notion that there was any absolute rule about "n......
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3 books & journal articles
Foreign sovereign immunity in the caribbean: a case for legislative intervention sovereigns to allow them to work for the best good of the state.” Id. at 170. 7. 8. See, e.g. , Sultan of Johore v. Abubakar [1952] 1 All ER 1261 (citing The Parlement Belge with evident approval, though holding, on the facts, that there had been a waiver of immunity by the foreign sover......
La loi sur l'immunite des etats Canadienne et la torture.
...du Conseil prive, sur laquelle siegeait Lord Denning, n'etait pas convaincue que >: Sultan of Johore v. Abubakar Tunku Aris Bendahar, [1952] A.C. 318 a la p. 343, [1952] 1 All E.R. 1261 (H.L.). Plus tard, Lord Denning nie expressement l'existence de l'immunite absolue : Rahimtoola v. Nizam ......
...& 37 Vic. c.66. 111 See infra, the Part entitled “Applicable By Singapore Reference”. 112 (1942) 4 M.C. 320. 113 Ibid., at p. 328. 114 [1952] A.C. 318. 115 Ibid., at p. 342. 116 Proclamation No. 1 (1945). 117 [1950] M.L.J. 52. 118 Ibid., at p. 53. 119 Regulation No. 30 (1945). 120 Supra, no......