Table of International Conventions, etc.

AuthorMatthew Chapman/Sarah Prager/Jack Harding/Dominique Smith/Thomas Yarrow/Henk Soede

Table of International Conventions, etc.

References are to paragraph numbers

Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic
Energy Community [2019] OJ C 3841/1 9.8 Amsterdam Treaty 1997 9.65 Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage
by Sea, 13 December 1974 (the Athens Convention) 5.166, 5.231, 6.30, 10.282,
10.283, 10.287, 10.288, 10.290, 10.291,
10.293, 10.294, 10.295, 10.296, 10.297,
10.298, 10.302, 10.303, 10.306, 10.308,
10.309, 10.311, 10.313, 10.315, 10.319,
10.321, 10.324, 10.364, 13.6

Art 1.4 10.294 Art 1.5 10.294 Art 1.8 10.299 Art 1.8(a)–(c) 10.299 Art 2 10.291 Art 3 10.297, 10.306, 13.6 Art 3.1 10.297 Art 3.1(a), (b) 10.297, 10.302 Art 3.2 10.297 Art 3.3 10.297 Art 3.3 10.297 Art 3.4 10.297 Art 3.5 10.297 Art 3(5)(a), (b) 10.297 Art 3.5(c) 10.297, 13.6 Art 3(5)(d) 10.297 Art 3.6 10.297 Art 3.7 10.297 Art 3.8 10.297 Art 5 10.308 Art 6 10.297 Art 7 10.297, 10.306, 10.307, 10.309 Art 8 10.297, 10.306, 10.307 Art 13.1 10.312

lxx Saggerson on Travel Law and Litigation

Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage
by Sea, 13 December 1974 (the Athens Convention) (continued)

Art 14 10.288, 10.289 Art 15 10.316, 10.317, 10.318 Art 15.1 10.316 Art 15.2 10.316, 10.318 Art 16 10.314, 10.315, 10.320 Art 16.1 10.314 Art 16.2 10.314 Art 16.3 10.314 Art 16.4 10.314 Art 17 10.289 Art 18 10.309 Protocol of 2002...

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