Table of Statutory Instruments and Codes of Practice, etc

AuthorMichael Smyth/Patricia Barratt/Fraser Campbell

Table of Statutory Instruments and Codes of Practice, etc.

Introduction references are to page numbers All other references are to paragraph numbers

Bribery Act: Guidance about procedures which relevant commercial
organisations can put into place to prevent persons associated with them
from bribing (section 9 of the Bribery Act 2010), Ministry of Justice,
March 2011 6.161 paras 1.6, 1.7 6.161 para 3.5 6.161 para 5.3 6.161

Business Appointment Rules for Former Ministers 5.6, 5.75, 5.81, 5.86, App 8

Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament 1996 HC 688, 1995–96 5.11 Code of Conduct together with the Guide to the Rules relating to the conduct
of Members, 12 March 2012, HC 1885 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.11, 5.12,
5.16, 5.19, 5.22, 5.24, 5.31, 5.38, 6.37, 6.41, 6.45,
6.48, 6.52, 6.57, 6.69, 6.81, App 5 para 2 5.12 para 3 5.2 para 7 5.23 para 19 6.50 para 30 5.27, 5.28 para 31 5.29 para 33 5.30 para 38 5.32 para 39 5.33 para 42 5.34 para 43 5.35 para 46 5.36 para 47 5.37 para 50 5.39 paras 54, 55 5.40 para 58 5.41

xxx The Law of Political Donations

Code of Conduct together with the Guide to the Rules relating to the conduct
of Members, 12 March 2012, HC 1885 (continued)
para 60 5.42 para 62 5.43 para 65 5.45 paras 66–71 5.14, 5.18, 5.22

Code of Conduct for Members of the House of Lords 2002 5.53 Code of Conduct for Members of the House of Lords 2010 (amended on
30 March 2010) 5.3, 5.6, 5.59, 6.37, 6.88, 6.89, App 6 para 8(d) 5.64 para 11 5.61, 5.63 para 12 5.63 para 13 5.63 para 14 5.67 Code of Conduct for Members of the House of...

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