Thanks to reviewers of 2018/19

Published date01 October 2019
Date01 October 2019
Thanks to reviewers
of 2018/19
Public Policy and Administration aims to publish excellent research from all fields of
public policy, management and administration. Achieving this goal depends to a
considerable extent on the reviewers, who give valuable constructive criticism
to the authors. The input and dedication of all our reviewers are highly appreciated
by the authors and editors.
At the end of 2019, we gratefully acknowledge the valuable support of the
following scholars and practitioners who reviewed for PPA in 2018/19.
Public Policy and Administration
2019, Vol. 34(4) 517–518
!The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0952076719859663
Robert Ackrill
Jostein Askim
Tobias Bach
Victor Bekkers
Peter Biegelbauer
Tom Birkland
Soline Blanchard
Karin Bottom
Jim Buller
Chris Byrne
Deven Carlson
Daniel Carpenter
Zhixia Chen
Jørgen Christensen
Tom Christensen
Ben Clark
Victoria Cluley
Ian Cook
Dion Curry
Oliver Dadddow
Ole Danielsen
Fabrizio Di Mascio
Patrick Diamond
Anna Durnova
Peter Eckersley
Jan Edelenbos
Kevin Elliot
Isabelle Engeli
Tracey Fenwick
Simon Fink
Thomas Folke
Alec Fraser
Fabrizio Gilardi
Martijn Groenleer
Antti Gronow
Kuhika Gupta
Hanne Foss Hansen
Nicole Herweg
Yefei Hu
Biao Huang
Edin Ibrocevic
Oliver James
Werner Jann
Sebstian Jilke
Lorelei Jones
Michael Jones
Vaiva Kalesnikaite
Jonathan Kamkhaji
Adrian Kay
Robyn Keast
Reuben Kline
Thomas Koenig
Johanna Kuenzler
Stella Ladi
Per Laegreid
Olg Loblova
Martin Lodge
Francesco Longo
Lisa Marriott
Kenneth Meier
Susan Miller
Frank Mols
Andrew Morelock
Janice Morphet
Lorena Moscovich
Jeremy Moulton
´phane Moyson
Juraj Nemec
Fay Niker
Elizabeth Nisbet
Vilem Novotny
Joanna O’Riordan
Kathryn Oliver
Ed Page
Christine Parker
Gavin Parker
Justin Parkhurst
B Guy Peters

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