The Church and Social Work in the Courts

Published date01 April 1938
Date01 April 1938
Subject MatterArticles

our Commission shall remain valid so long as you
hold office in the Probation Service within our
Diocese, or until it shall be revoked by us or our
successors. And so we commend you to Almighty
God, humbly praying, in the Name of our Lord
Jesus Christ, that His blessing may rest upon you
and your work. Given under our hand this -
day of
in the Year of our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and
and in
T’he probation officers of the Diocese of Chiches-
year of our consecration.&dquo;
ter, which is coterminous with the County of Sussex,
This was delivered, in a solemn Service, to 10
have for the most part in the past been Agents of
officers in the Palace Chapel on Saturday, February
the Diocesan Police Court Mission. This arrange-
26th, and thus a close link has been forged between
ment is now being terminated, and all the whole-
the officers and their Church, and they are thereby
time officers will very shortly become public servants.
made to feel that in the discharge of their duties to
This arrangement is being made, not with a view to
the State they are fulfilling a religious mission. The
saving the funds provided by the Mission, but
Church in the Diocese, in the person of their Bishop,
to apply them more effectively to assisting the pro-
is recognizing thereby the very valuable service the
bation service in the County.
Each whole-time
officers are rendering to the community, and it is
officer has a small local Committee at his service,
hoped that this recognition will give encouragement
willing to help with money and advice, and in link-
to a body of Social Workers, who from the nature
ing up the officer with voluntary aid. The Proba-
of the case, must work, to a very large extent, in
ilion Officers’ Fellowship, which comprises not only
isolation from the corporate life of the Church of
those officers who are members of the Church of
which they are members.
England, but those who belong...

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