Whitacre v Hillidell
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Judgment Date | 01 January 1681 |
Date | 01 January 1681 |
Court | Court of the King's Bench |
English Reports Citation: 82 E.R. 888
King's Bench Division
whitacre versus hiludell. H. 22 car. rot. 1318. Slander. Slander. Margaret Whitacre is a thief and stole my wood, and I will have her put in Bridewell; and upon motion in an arrest of judgment after verdict, it was agreed by Bacon and Roll that those words, She is a thief, and stole my wood, of themselves were actionable, and cases cited accordingly. But Bacon held that the latter words qualified the former, for the statute 43 Eliz. cap. 7. enacteth that persons that ateal wood growing, which is not felony, shall be whipped if they make not satisfaction : now Bridewell is known to be a place where such penalties are inflicted, so that upon all the words it shall be intended an accusation of such an offence, the penalty whereof is whipping, and not of felony. But Roll contra totis viribus, because the words, She is a thief, are single and the other accumulative, being brought in by the word and : but if it had been for she stole, &c. then they are explanatory. And this difference hath been alwaies taken in this course. But Bacon denied the difference, and cited Clerk and Gilberte's case, Hob. 331. Thou art a thief, and hast stollen twenty load of my furzis, and adjudged not actionable, and no difference allowed...
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