Information Technology in UK Law
Major initiatives in advanced information technology are under way or have been proposed in the UK, Europe and Japan. ‘Information technology’ is an umbrella expression with different interpretatio...
Vermont: Library and information technology
The Vermont library environment has been heavily involved with information technology since the early 1980s. Like most of the library world, Vermont's introduction came through technical services f...
Strategic Impact of Information Technology
To provide the organisational capacity to adopt information technology (IT) successfully, a partnership between technology and business managers must be established. A constructive dialogue between...
Maori access to information technology
The extent of Internet access is a key indicator of the Maori people’s ability to use information technologies for social, e‐commerce and e‐government communication. The key findings from national ...
Thirty years of information technology
Purpose: This issue of Library Hi Tech aims to offer a retrospective over the last 30 years of information technology as used in libraries and other memory institutions, particularly archives and m...
New Mexico: Information technology initiatives
Information technology in New Mexico has not yet become an integral part of education, government, or library functions. In recent years, however, diverse local and regional efforts have started to...
Information Technology: Personnel, Where Are You?
Many commentators believe that we are racing into the age of Information Technology (IT). If in most cases the reality lags some way behind the image, it nevertheless remains the case that organisa...
Information Technology and Libraries
This work was originally commissioned during 1982, the year that was designated Information Technology Year; the year that the personal computer replaced the space invader machine as a focus for te...
Mondas Information Technology.
...Financial and e-business specialist Mondas has appointed Tom McClelland as technical director of Mondas Information Technology. McClelland was previously director of DSR (Resource). On the move is edited by Louisa Roberts. Please e-mail her with ne......
The use of information technology by information services: the Aslib information technology survey 1987
The Information Resources Centre at Aslib, The Association for Information Management, recently carried out a survey of the use of information technology within the library and information communit...
See all results