Livestock in UK Law
R (Compassion in World Farming Ltd) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Approximately 44 billion broiler chickens are reared worldwide each year. There are two groups of broiler chickens: ordinary broilers, reared for their meat, and the breeding flock, whose role it is to produce the chicks which will be killed for their meat. In 2002 the United Kingdom reared approximately 810,000,000 broilers for meat and approximately 680,000,000 female breeder chicks.
Nearly all broilers reared in the United Kingdom are kept in factory farms. Broiler chickens reared for their meat reach their slaughter weight, typically around 2 kg, within about 40 days of being hatched. They would not reach adulthood until about 18 to 24 weeks of age. Broilers are thus very young animals for the whole of their fast-growing period. By selective breeding, the length of time which broiler chicks take to grow to 2 kg has been approximately halved in the last 30 years.
Both male and female breeders are subject to a restricted feeding regime for their first few weeks of life – about 20 days to the point of lay. This is important to the industry for if female broiler breeders are fed ad libitum then egg production and hatchability are poor and mortality is high. Feed restriction controls ovulation rate and restores normal function to the reproductive process.
It does not seem to me that the paradigm of a chicken being in a state of good health is that it should be fed ad libitum. He takes the line on the graph in Mr Hocking's report as indicative of the margin of difference. He points to this as an indication of the degree of hunger being inflicted by the regime of restricted feeding. As with humans, to eat as much as they want is not what they need to achieve a state of well-being and, importantly, it is almost certain to induce the opposite.
Gilmore v Baker-Carr
The definition may, of course, be wide enough to include other buildings, such as a broiler house, and if it is, effect must be given to the language, But the clear impression which I receive from the statutory language is that the buildings exempted were to be ancillary or complementary to the agricultural purpose of the land, and not vice vorsa. In the, present case If one begins with the land, one finds there Is no land upon which poultry farming is carried on.
Mills and Another v Silver and Others
It is to be noted that a prescriptive right arises where there has been user as of right in which the servient owner has, with the requisite degree of knowledge (which is not an issue in the present case), acquiesced. Therefore mere acquiescence in or tolerance of the user by the servient owner cannot prevent the user being user as of right for purposes of prescription.
Eastwood (W. & J. B.) Ltd v Herrod
Livestock library: a dream come true
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe how the Livestock Library at the Australian Department of Agriculture and Food developed from being a dream to a reality into a virtual library tha...
Security in the absence of a state: Traditional authority, livestock trading, and maritime piracy in northern Somalia
Without a strong state, how do institutions emerge to limit the impact of one group’s predation on another’s economic activities? Motivated by the case of northern Somalia, we develop a model that ...
Livestock, Land and Political Power: The 1993 Killings in Burundi
This article examines the characteristics of the victims of the October 1993 massacres in Burundi. Using information on parents of the respondents of a 2002 demographic household survey, the author...
Diet of the spotted hyena (Curocuta curocuta) in southern Tigray, northern Ethiopia
The diet of spotted hyenas (Curocuta curocuta) was studied in Endrta Woreda, southern Tigray, Ethiopia from September to December 2009. Hyena scats were collected throughout the study period from a...... ... Faecal analysis revealed that the diet of the spotted hyena contains only prey item of domestic livestock. Frequencies of prey remains of donkey, sheep, goat and cattle were highest with sheep being by far the most common prey species. Household survey of ... ...
UK Research Shows MRSA Transfers From Livestock to Humans
New research from the U.K. supports the theory that antibiotic-resistant bacteria in livestock can be transmitted to humans. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh studied the evolutionary histo...
- The Stakes Are High - Liability Considerations For Landowners And Farmers Keeping Livestock
- Pigs Can't Fly But Their Prices Might - Livestock Price Update
- Northampton Regional Livestock Centre Co Ltd v Cowling & Anor (Court of Appeal, June 2015)
Record of evidence (Officer of a company)
County Court forms including the N1 money claim form.... ... of title clause? ... If Yes, describe the ... goods and enter the ... amount owed by the ... Does your company ... own livestock? ... Has the company sold ... any assets within the ... last 12 months? ... If Yes, on what date ... description of asset ... buyers name and ... ...