Pension Scheme in UK Law
Blog: If A Personal Pension Scheme Is Not A Collective Investment Scheme, What Is A Personal Pension Scheme?
Article 3 of the Collective Investment Schemes Order (SI 2001/1062) (the Order) makes it clear that “A personal pension scheme [is] not … a collective investment scheme“, but it doesn’t tell us whe...
Judges discriminated against in judicial pension scheme reforms
Six High Court judges have succeeded in their claims against the Ministry of Justice about the introduction of the judicial pension scheme reforms. All six judges alleged that they had been discrim...
New anti-money laundering regulations: action for pension scheme trustees
Pension scheme trustees should be aware of requirements under new money laundering regulations to record information and, in some cases, to give the information to third parties and to register the...
The Government's consultation on pension increases in the British Steel Pension Scheme
The DWP's consultation on changing the law to allow pensions increases to be reduced to the statutory minimum in the British Steel Pension Scheme (BSPS) ends on 23 June. It is likely that one of t...
- NHS Pension Scheme Valuation
Pension scheme management costs – would you like VAT with that?
Many costs associated with defined benefit pension schemes will usually fall on the scheme employer one way or another. There are two basic heads of cost: first there are the costs associated with ...
New anti-money laundering regulations: action for pension scheme trustees - Updated December 2017
Pension scheme trustees should be aware of requirements under new money laundering regulations to record information and, in some cases, to give the information to third parties and to register the...
The Big Reveal: Corporate Transparency and What It Means for Pension Scheme Trustees
Background In February 2022 the UK Government unveiled its long-awaited plans to improve corporate transparency and reform the company register framework, in a move widely regarded as having been a...
Lehman Brothers Pension Scheme - The treatment of pensions claims in a UK insolvency process
When the Lehman Brothers group imploded in September 2008, the impact of events on the Lehman Brothers UK pension scheme (the "Scheme") was not seen as a key concern for anyone other than the membe...
- NHS Pension Scheme ' Age Discrimination Reversal
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