No. 48-4, December 2015
- Achieving restorative justice: Assessing contrition and forgiveness in the adult conference process
- Andrew Ashworth and Julian V. Roberts, Sentencing guidelines: Exploring the English model
- Annie Cossins, Female criminality: Infanticide, moral panics, and the female body
- Books Received
- Criminal appellants’ claims and appellate courts’ answers: An empirical analysis of criminal appeals in Hunan province, China
- Gordana Eljdupovic and Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich (Eds), Incarcerated mothers: Oppression and resistance
- Graham Dukes, John Braithwaite and J. P. Moloney, Pharmaceuticals, corporate crime and public health
- Karen Harrison, Dangerousness, risk and the governance of serious sexual and violent offenders
- Kathleen Daly, Redressing institutional abuse of children
- Kerry Carrington and Margaret Pereira, Offending youth: Sex, crime and justice
- Reflections on a long career in criminology
- Stakeholders' perceptions of the benefit of introducing an Australian intermediary system for vulnerable witnesses
- Taking the problem seriously? Sentencing Indigenous and non-Indigenous domestic violence offenders
- The comparative context of collective efficacy: Understanding neighbourhood disorganisation and willingness to intervene in Seattle and Brisbane
- ‘The police are rottenly corrupt’: Policing, scandal, and the regulation of illegal betting in Depression-era Sydney