No. 85-5, October 2021
- A Beautiful Law for the Beautiful Game? Revisiting the Football Offences Act 1991
- A Betrayal of Trust? Back to the Drawing Board for Medical Manslaughter
- Making an arrest in order to activate PACE entry and search powers: The Law Commission and a missed opportunity for clarification
- Objectivity v Subjectivity—Gross Negligence Manslaughter Revisited: HKSAR v Mak Wan Ling (2019) 22 HKCFAR 321
- Statutory Protection for Retail Workers in Scotland
- The Parole Board as ‘functus officio’: R (Dickins) v Parole Board [2021] EWHC 1166 (Admin)
- Underwhelming Supervening Acts
- ‘Give them air quickly – don’t let them out’: Sentencing for manslaughter involving multiple offenders and victims