No. 40-4, December 1993
- A Glimmer of Optimism
- A Safety Net Full of Holes
- Beyond Reason and Understanding
- Car Crime Survey
- Damage Limitation: A Wymott Diary
- Disability and Discrimination
- Domestic Violence: Old Crime, Sudden Interest
- Drinking and Driving: A Decade of Development Jonathan Black Waterside Press, 1993; pp 182; £14.00 pbk
- Duplicity in Informations
- Even a Child is Known by His Doings
- Goliath : Britain's Dangerous Places Beatrix Campbell Methuen, 1993; 324pp; £9.99 pbk
- Groupwork in Prisons
- In Court
- Injecting Drug Users in Probation Hostels
- Listening to Children
- Making Advances: what you can do about sexual harassment at work Liz Curtin BBC, 1993; pp 122; £4.99 pbk
- Managing Criminal Justice John Raine and Michael Wilson Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993; pp 234; £10.45 pbk
- More Understanding
- Probation Officers' Use of Information
- Re-Writing the Job: A Sceptical Look at Competences
- Reporting by Numbers
- REPORTS briefing
- Resources
- Responses to Crime (Volume 2) Lord Windlesham Oxford University Press, 1993; pp 467; £25 hbk
- Reviews : Staff Supervision in Social Care Tony Morrison Longman, 1993; pp 124; £38.50 pbk(A4
- Roger Hood's Race and Sentencing
- Scoring Seriousness: Clerks Win
- Self-Obsessed Whine
- Subversiveness Missing
- Talking Tough: The Fight for Masculinity Carol Lee Arrow Books, 1993; pp 195; £5.99 pbk