No. 22-3, July 2020
- David C Pyrooz and Scott H Decker, Competing for Control: Gangs and the Social Order of Prisons
- David J Harding, Jeffrey D Morenoff and Jessica JB Wyse. On the Outside: Prisoner Reentry and Reintegration
- Emily L Thuma, All Our Trials: Prisons, Policing, and the Feminist Fight to End Violence
- Familiarity and strangeness: Seeing everyday practices of punishment and resistance in Holloway Prison
- Greg Prieto, Immigrants Under Threat: Risk and Resistance in Deportation Nation
- Indefinite stuckness: Listening in a time of hyper-incarceration and border entrapment
- Neoliberal politics and state modernization in Chilean penal evolution
- Penal controls and social controls: Toward a theory of American penal exceptionalism
- Public opinion on crime, punishment and the death penalty in Barbados