Electricity wholesale (Utility Regulator)
63 results for Electricity wholesale (Utility Regulator)
- Decision published on revisions to Enforcement Policy
- Moyle Interconnector - Revenue Directions
- Decision Paper on Modifications to License Condition 2 under Article 14
- SEM-22-070 Decision Paper on Regulatory Framework for NEMO from October 2022
- Decision Paper on Modifications to DSU License Condition 2 under Article 14
- Information paper following proposal to modify Condition 5 “Security Arrangements” of all electricity generation licences
- Decision on grant of licence to Kells BES Limited
- Decision - Grant of Electricity Generation Licence
- Approval of the amended Ireland-United Kingdom (IU) TSOs’ Proposal for a Common Capacity Calculation Methodology
- Decision to grant an electricity generation licence to Mullavilly Energy Ltd: Battery Storage
- Approval of the all asynchronously connected TSOs' proposal for common settlement rules for all unintended exchanges of energy between synchronous areas
- Decision to grant an electricity generation licence to Drumkee Energy Ltd: Battery Storage
- Request for amendment to the all asynchronously connected TSOs' proposal for common settlement rules for intended exchanges of energy between synchronous areas
- Approval for calculating scheduled exchanges
- Approval for calculating ID scheduled exchanges
- Request Amendment to the all TSOs' Proposal for Common Settlement Rules
- Request for Amendment to the Ireland-UK TSOs' proposal for a Common Capacity Calculation Methodology
- Decision on the amended IU TSOs' proposal for the Redispatching and Countertrading Methodology and the IU TSOs' proposal for the Redispatching and Countertrading Cost Sharing Methodology
- Request Amendment to the all TSOs' Proposal to further Specify and Harmonise Imbalance Settlement
- Request Amendment to the all TSOs' Proposal for classification methodology for the activation purposes of balancing energy bids
- Request for Amendment to the all TSO's proposal for the Implementation Framework for a European Platform for the Imbalance Netting Process
- Approval of the Ireland-UK TSOs' Proposal for a Methodology for Splitting Long-Term Cross-Zonal Capacity
- Antrim Wind Energy Limited - Decision Paper
- Revocation of Electricity Generation Licence for SPV266 Ltd
- Decision on Modifications to Moyle Interconnector Transmission Licence necessitated by the implementation of the I-SEM
- Decisions on the amended all Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) proposals for the price coupling and continuous trading matching algorithms, day ahead products, intraday products and back-up methodology
- Request for Amendment to the IU TSOs' proposals for the Redispatching and Countertrading Methodology and Redispatching and Countertrading Cost Sharing Methodology
- Request for Amendment to the all TSOs' Proposal for the Implementation Framework for a European Platform for the Imbalance Netting Process
- Approval of the amended proposal for Day-ahead and Intraday Arrangements concerning more than one NEMO in the SEM Bidding Zone
- Approval of amended Common Capacity Calculation Methodology and Coordinated Net Transmission Capacity proposal
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