No. 6-4, February 1999
- The Plight of Victims of Economic Crime: Investors as Victims
- Money Laundering, Criminal Assets and the 1998 Proposed Reforms
- Financial Regulation — A British Experience
- A Perspective on International Organised and Economic Crime from Interpol
- Statutory Immunity for Suspicious Activity Reporting: Real or Imaginary Protection for Financial Institutions?
- Denial of Service Attacks: Threats and Methodologies
- Police Corruption
- Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Baker and Others
- Duty of Employers to Disclose Breaches of Contracts: BCCI v Ali and Others
- Policing the Markets: Structures and Policies
- Regulatory Challenges Posed by Investor Protection
- Fraud Investigation and Prosecution — The Way Forward
- Fraud in the Financial Markets — The New Bill
- Canada: Cooperation between Regulators and Law Enforcement
- Hong Kong and the PRC: Mutual Legal Assistance — A Chinese Puzzle