Victim Impact Statement in UK Law
R v Goodyear (Karl)
Once an indication has been given, it is binding and remains binding on the judge who has given it, and it also binds any other judge who becomes responsible for the case. In principle, the judge who has given an indication should, where possible, deal with the case immediately, and if that is not possible, any subsequent hearings should be listed before him.
Robert Perkins and Others v R
Experience has shown that in the overwhelming majority of cases, after a statement has been prepared, it is put before the sentencing court in the usual way, and then summarised, or sometimes in whole or in part read aloud in open court by the prosecuting advocate. The judge will always have read the statement himself, and may sometimes choose not only to indicate that it has been taken into account, but to quote any relevant passages in court.
R v Grant Christopher Smith
In our view, given that there is such a marked disparity in the starting point between categories 1 and 2, the sorts of harm and violence which will justify placing a case within category 1 must be significantly above the serious level of harm which is normal for the purpose of section 18.
The concept of sustained or repeated, in our view, imports some degree of persistent repetition. In order for a sentence to be compliant with the test of proportionality, the facts warranting the higher sentence should reflect the difference in the guidelines. We do not wish to be more specific or precise than this because we acknowledge that each case will entail a very fact-specific assessment.
R (Brooke and Others) v Parole Board
Judging whether it is necessary for the protection of the public that a prisoner be confined is often no easy matter. What is necessary for the protection of the public is that the risk of re-offending is at a level that does not outweigh the hardship of keeping a prisoner detained after he has served the term commensurate with his fault. Deciding whether this is the case is the Board's judicial function.
R v Anouar Ben-Rejab and Another
It will be noted that "sexual behaviour or experience" need not involve any other person. The expression is plainly wide enough, in our view, to embrace an activity of viewing pornography or engaging in sexually-charged messaging over a live internet connection. That being the case, the question for the court is whether an indulgence by answering questions in a sexually explicit quiz is "any sexual behaviour" within the meaning of the section.
R v Navdeep Singh
On the evening of 10 March 2012 he and his father were walking past the garden area on their way out into the car park when Ace ran out of the garden area and attacked Inderjit, knocking him to the ground and biting him on the arm, back and leg. Mr Gill tried to chase the dog away and the appellant and two other men also intervened. Eight stitches were inserted and he was kept in hospital overnight. He had bruising to his arm and ribs, together with scratches.
Sentencing Act 2020
... ... maximise the offender's awareness of the impact of the offending concerned on the victims, and ... which gives an opportunity to a victim or victims to talk about, or by other means ... the court may make a statement of that opinion ... ...
The Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2016
... ... A or another family member has been a victim of domestic violence whilst the marriage or civil ... the references to a statement under section 120 of the ... An impact assessment has not been produced for these ... ...
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012
... ... with such a requirement, makes a statement or representation knowing or believing it to be ... the victim being (or being presumed to be) transgender, or ... limit the impact of crime ... ...
Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002
... ... must include in the report a statement of any such proposal not given effect to ... a victim of the offence; or ... the impact of crime on victims; and ... ...
Delivering a Victim Impact Statement: Emotionally effective or counter-productive?
Although the delivery of a Victim Impact Statement (VIS) in court is assumed to contribute to the healing and recovery process of victims of violent crimes, its effectiveness to facilitate emotiona...
Heterogeneity in victim participation: A new perspective on delivering a Victim Impact Statement
A central question in the debate about victim participation in criminal justice procedures is which instrument available to victims ‘works’. The purpose of the present study was to examine which fa...
Observers’ reactions to victim impact statements
Previous research has shown that expectancy violations can have both affective and cognitive consequences. In particular, recent victimological research argues that people’s perceptions and judgmen...... ... victim impact statement not only ran the risk of being evaluated as less credible than victims ofmore severe crimes who delivered the exact same victim impact statement, but ... ...
One rule for the goose, one for the gander? Wrongfulness and harmfulness in determining reactions to offenders and victims of crime
People’s reactions to offenders and victims of crime follow different rationales. Whereas the punishment of the offender is primarily determined by the severity of the crime (which includes its for...... ... the actual harm that is experienced by the victim drives the need for his or her support and stance. With the introduction of the Victim Impact ... , reactions to crime, Victim Impact Statement, wrongfulness ... Previous research has shown ... ...
Authorised Push Payment Scams
Following a super-complaint by Which?, the Payment System Regulator (“PSR”) investigated and consulted in 2016 and 2017 on whether and how victims of authorised push payment (“APP”) scams should be...... ... credentials and used them, without the victim" knowing, to make payments) ... The term “scam\xE2\x80" ... and the (financial or non-financial) impact of the scam on the particular victim. The ... This statement appears to add even more uncertainty to the ... ...
UK To Provide Compensation for Overseas Victims of Economic Crimes
A new UK policy establishes a commitment to providing victims of overseas bribery with compensation; however, important questions remain that will impact implementation. The UK’s Serious Fraud O...... ... , important questions remain that will impact implementation ... The UK’s Serious Fraud ... Agency (NCA) have released a joint statement in support of compensation for overseas victims ... have committed to consider whether victim compensation is appropriate in “all relevant ... ...
UK To Provide Compensation for Overseas Victims of Economic Crimes
A new UK policy establishes a commitment to providing victims of overseas bribery with compensation; however, important questions remain that will impact implementation. By Stuart Alford QC, Nathan...... ... , important questions remain that will impact implementation. By Stuart Alford QC, Nathan H ... Agency (NCA) have released a joint statement in support of compensation for overseas victims ... have committed to consider whether victim compensation is appropriate in all relevant ... ...
A Missed Opportunity? The Importance Of Disclosure In Criminal Proceedings
... ... and crucially ensure minimal financial impact ... Importance of early legal instruction ... plea is to be entered, for a defence statement to be filed4. Once the statement has been served ... Victim Personal Statement ... In the majority of ... ...