Bibliography — a Selection

Published date01 December 1973
Date01 December 1973
Subject MatterArticles
ANDERSON, LG. (Editor), Councils, Committees, &
BELGIQUE - Centre interuniversitaire de formation
A handbook of advisory, consultative,
permanente, La commune d l’heure du choix : Ag-
executive &
similar bodies in British public life
glomiration ? Fgdgration ? Fusion ? Association ?
(second edition). Beckenham, Kent, CBD Research,
Charleroi, CIFoP, 1973. 139 pp.
xiv &
327 pages, £7.50.
Fruit de la collaboration de sp6cialistes des uni-
The first edition was mentioned in our No. 1-2/
versit6s de Bruxelles et de Louvain qui se sont atta-
The information has been updated till mid-
ches a 1’6tude des alternatives s’offrant aux com-
June 1973 to take into account the reorganization
munes belges dont il faut absolument reduire le nom-
of central government in October 1970, the emer-
bre. D6butant par un rappel du cadre institutionnel
gency in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom entry
(Paul De Visscher), l’cuvrage se poursuit par rex-
into Europe, and the emphasis on environmental
pose des diff6rentes solutions en presence (Francis
Delpirge), et des contributions portant sur les at-
tributions (Robert Andersen), la tutelle (Paul Cour-
toy) et les finances (Paul Mathieu) des agglomérations
et des f6d6rations de communes et se compl~te de
deux études, l’une sur les agglomerations et asso-
ARMSTRONG, John A., The European Administrative
ciations de communes (Yves Lejeune), I’autre traitant
Princeton University Press, 1973. xii &
des probl6mes specifiques de I’agglom6ration de Char-
406 pages, cloth $20, paper $9.75.
leroi (Christian Daubie). Une tr6s valable publica-
tion faisant utilement le point.
The purpose of this study, of which a foretaste
was given in the author’s article on &dquo;Old-Regime
Administrative Elites&dquo; (France, Prussia, and Russia)
in our No. 1/1972, pages 21-40, is to explore the
BELL, R.E. and YOUNGSON, A.J. (Editors), Present and
elite administrative role in economic development
Future in Higher Education. London, Tavistock,
in four major European systems: France, Germany,
1973. x &
192 pages, £ 3.40.
Great Britain, and Russia. Its chapters respectively
deal with a delineation of the problem, the com-
parative method used, the diffusion of development
No.2 in the Social Issues in the Seventies series
doctrines, the recruitment of high administrators
is a selection of fifteen
and class role models, the various methods of social-
papers delivered at a seminar
sponsored by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the
ization such as family background and secondary
University of Edinburgh in December 1970.
and higher education, induction to higher adminis-
recognized in the preface, events have moved swiftly
tration, career patterns and prospects, territorial
since then and some of the material is now of
direction and development initiative, responses to
historical rather than contemporary interest. Never-
challenge, and the implications of development inter-
theless, the main contributions deal with matters of
ventionist role definition. The whole book is based
lasting importance in educational policy-making,
on the key concept of role, studied over two or
especially in the United Kingdom. After an historical
three centuries since the beginning of each bureau-
introduction, the other essays deal with the growth
cracy in the four countries under examination. The
of the modern university, some international com-
background of the comparison is formed by the
parisons of the structure of
higher education, the
States model.
This comprehensive work
role of the new universities, educational
a penetrating survey of a great subject and
finance and control, and
planning in the seventies.
a welcome contribution to the comparative study
of European bureaucracy and to the influence of
administrative intervention in economic development.
It is rounded off by an appendix on quantitative data
and a bibliography.
BHALERAO, C.N. (Editor), Administration, Politics
and Development in India. Bombay, Lalvani, 1972.
xxxiii &
511 pages, Rs.35.
BAILY, P.J.H., Purchasing and Supply Management
(third edition). London, Chapman &
This volume is a collection of thirty-one re-

Hall, 1973.
ix &
315 pages, R-3.
printed essays by well-known Indian and other ex-
perts. They are classified under six headings: ad-
ministration in transitional societies; bureaucracy and
This book intended for managers and students of
political development in India; some aspects of the
management is in four parts: organization and
administration in Union government; administration
control, purchasing, storage and control of stock,
and politics in the states; district, urban and pan-
and improving performance.
Special attention is
chayati raj administration; and some issues in ad-
given not only to ordinary private firms but also
ministrative reforms.
The purpose of the volume
to the nationalized industries. It contains twelve short
is to introduce students to the problems of ad-
case studies included as starting points for group
ministration in developing countries and to discuss
discussion, The book is practical, clear, and up-to-
the social, cultural, and political issues involved in
administrative reforms.

BIAREZ, Sylvie et al., Institution communale et pou-
plois particuliers de 1’ordinateur aux professions
voir politique - Le cas de Roanne. Paris, Mouton,
juridiques (au niveau des notaires et de la docu-
1973. 208 pp., FF28.
mentation juridique automatis6e au regard de la si-
tuation en France) et quels sont les probl6mes juri-
diques posis
Etude de recherche urbaine realisee
par 1’ordinateur (vue 6videmment tr6s
grace au con-
cours de la Delegation g6n6rale ~ la recherche scien-
tifique et technique frangaise, dont le pr6sent vo-
lume constitue le rapport. Comme 1’indique le titre,
il s’agit d’une analyse d’un cas d’une ville moyenne
CHAPMAN, Richard A., Teaching Public Administra-
(sous-pr6fecture d’environ 75.000 habitants) ax6e sur
tion. Current education training and research
la science politique
et s’adressant manifestement à
des spécialistes. L’6tude
grammes in the U.K.
London, Joint University
des probl6mes urbains est
Council for Social and Public Administration,
techniquement satisfaisante, mais la publication de
95 pages, £ 1.
rapports de recherche pr6sente toujours des incon-
v6nients auxquels n’6chappe point celui-ci, disons
honorable sans plus.
This report is a critical examination of the state
of the art.
Beginning with some background in-
formation, it goes on to describe public adminis-
tration teaching and research in universities and
BULL, Hans Peter, Die Staatsaufgaben nach dem
colleges, the Royal Institute of Public Administra-
Grundgesetz. Francfort s/Main, Athenäum Verlag,
tion, national certificates and diplomas in public
1973. xvi &
421 pp.
administration, and the Staff Colleges. One chapter
is then devoted to educational administration and
another to recreation and arts administration. An
Essai de th6orie g6n6rale des missions de 1’Etat
outline of the situation in Canada and the United
a la lumière de la Loi fondamentale de la R6publi-
States is
followed by conclusions and recom-
que f6d6rale d’Allemagne. Une premi~re partie est
The survey, based on questionnaires,
essentiellement doctrinale: elle insiste sur 1’utilite de
gives much factual information and is a thorough
1’approche et sur la m6thode, precisant ce qu’il faut
though not an exhaustive analysis of the subject.
entendre par Staatsaufgabenlehre par rapport à des
It will interest all those concerned with teaching and
notions voisines, pr6sentant la question en droit et
research in public administration.
en science politique et mettant notamment en relief
l’incidence de la notion d’Etat social. La seconde
partie passe A 1’application au niveau des grands
domaines trait6s par la Constitution: les droits 6co-
nomiques et sociaux
CLEAVELAND, Frederic N. &
DAVY, Thomas J. (Edi
au sens large parall6lement aux
grandes libert6s individuelles, mais aussi le maintien
tors), Education for Urban Administration. Phi-
de l’ordre et de la securite publics de meme que
ladelphia, American Academy of Political and
Social Science, 1973. x &
4 zones fronti6res ,
qui font encore l’objet de
controverses. Un ultime chapitre de ce bon livre
d6gage la dynamique du developpement des missions
Monograph 16 in a series sponsored by the above
de I’Etat k 1’6poque contemporaine a travers quel-
Academy, the book contains nine basic papers, seven
ques questions de premier plan.
of which are accompanied by brief critiques from
two or three commentators, around which discussions
took place at workshops held at Columbia, Mary-
land, in June 1971 and at the University of Texas
CARBONMBR, Jean, Sociologie juridique. Paris, Ar-
in August 1971.
Broadly speaking, the themes
mand Colin, 1972. 320 pp.
discussed were the changing patterns of urbanism
and the present roles of the urban administrator,
the objectives of universities in educating urban ad-
La Collection U comporte disormais -
du moins
ministrators, and strategies in building effective pro-
faut-il 1’esp6rer -
une S6rie c Sociologie juridique »
grams to prepare urban administrators.
The papers
dirig6e par 1’auteur qui, en publiant cet ouvrage,
and the discussions contain many useful suggestions
offre une initiation g6n6rale au niveau des notions

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