Convergence of Trademark Law and E-Commerce: Overview of US, EU and China Regulations on Trademarks and Domain Names
Author | G Naumovski - D Chapkanov |
Position | Goce Naumovski (PhD), Associate Professor Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs,, Iustinianus Primus Law Faculty, SS. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia. - Dimitri Chapkanov, Ph.D Candidate, SS. Cyril and Methodius University, Iustinianus Primus Law Faculty, Skopje, Macedonia. |
Pages | 424-438 |
Convergence of Trademark Law and
Overview of US, EU and China Regulations on
Trademarks and Domain Names
Goce Naumovski♣ & Dimitri Chapkanov ♣♣
This comment outlines the significance of the relations between trademarks
and information technology from a comparative law perspective. It further
affirms the indispensability of an interdisciplinary approach for consistent
theoretical and legal framework with regard to trademarks and domain
names in the context of e-commerce policy and practices. The comment
also highlights the importance of intellectual property rights for economic
Key words
Industrial property, cybersquatting, internet domain names, metatags
The importance of intellectual property derives from the indispensability of
providing adequate legal protection for creation of the mind. Intellectual
property rights are structured in several components: patents, trademarks,
geographical indications, industrial designs, copyright and related rights, as
well as rights in plant varieties, topographies of integrated circuits and
protection from unfair competition in broader sense. Due to its complexity,
emerging e-commerce strives to provide mechanisms for the coexistence of
♣ Goce Naumovski (PhD), Associate Professor Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs,,
Iustinianus Primus Law Faculty, SS. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje,
♣♣ Dimitri Chapkanov, Ph.D Candidate, SS. Cyril and Methodius University,
Iustinianus Primus Law Faculty, Skopje, Macedonia.
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