No. 8-2, July 2014
- Anglo-Ethiopian Treaty on the Nile and the Tana Dam Concessions: A Script in Legal History of Ethiopia's Diplomatic Confront (1900-1956)
- Regional Economic Integration in Africa: Challenges and Prospects
- The Concept and Characteristics of Public Enterprises in Ethiopia: An Overview
- The Scope of Definition of a Terrorist Act under Ethiopian Law: Appraisal of its Compatibility with Regional and International Counterterrorism Instruments
- Appraising Employment Accommodation Rights for Visually Impaired Teachers in Ethiopia: Overview of Selected Cities
- Convergence of Trademark Law and E-Commerce: Overview of US, EU and China Regulations on Trademarks and Domain Names
- Legal Aspects of Stock Market Development in Ethiopia: Comments on Challenges and Prospects
- The Normative Framework of the African Human Rights Regime on the Rights of Minorities
- The Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Advantages, Disadvantages and Some Remarks on Ethiopia's Course of Action Ahead (Amharic)