Doctor On Demand, CareLinx Partner to Deliver Comprehensive Virtual Care to Seniors at Home.


Doctor On Demand, the nation's virtual care provider, and CareLinx, a nationwide, professional network for in-home care, have announced a partnership to bring in-home virtual care services to CareLinx clients, the companies said.

The partnership aims to expand CareLinx's in-home care offerings and improve health outcomes for their clients, geriatric and high-risk patients who need support at home. For Doctor On Demand, this expansion into home care comes on the heels of the company's recent launch to make its virtual care services available to over 33 million Medicare Part B Beneficiaries.

CareLinx tech-enabled caregivers have digital care plans on their smartphones, enabling quality delivery of everyday care services such as bathing and meal prep, as well as direct communication to a patient's family.

Doctor On Demand will augment these existing services by connecting CareLinx clients with virtual care providers in real-time. CareLinx caregivers will support the Doctor On Demand registration process, and assist with in-home follow-ups and care coordination recommended by Doctor On Demand's board-certified physicians as well.

Eligible CareLinx clients will receive initial visits with board-certified physicians through Doctor On Demand at no cost. These virtual visits can be used to treat a spectrum of health issues, including diagnosis and testing of COVID-19, typical ailments like infections, rashes, cold and flu, and ongoing...

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