Expert Marketer at BlackStorm Design States Digital Marketing is Better Than Traditional Marketing.

M2 PRESSWIRE-May 23, 2019-: Expert Marketer at BlackStorm Design States Digital Marketing is Better Than Traditional Marketing



While we all know how important having a marketing budget is, but what's more important is how and what marketing channel you spend your budget on.

If you've not been running your business from a cave you'll know that the battle between Traditional marketing and Digital marketing has been on for a while.

So deciding on which of the two marketing channel to use can be a little daunting. Especially, knowing that this one decision can either make or mar your business.

Now, here's the problem, it is known that a huge part of the world population does transactions online while there is this other part that does not yet know how to use the internet.

But, having a clear understanding of how digital marketing and traditional marketing work you can easily have a good idea of which marketing method will be more effective for your business.

Before we answer this important question let's first define our 2 terms digital marketing and traditional marketing.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is referring to marketing campaigns that utilize only digital platforms e.g. search engine optimization (SEO) also known as search marketing, pay per click (PPC) which is referring to google ads and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo, social media marketing (SMM) this can be done on all social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn and email marketing.

What Is Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing is referring to marketing campaigns that can be physical and digital e.g. TV commercials, radio commercials, billboards, newspaper, phone books, and direct mail.

Current Stats

In the year 2018, we noticed that $129 billion was spent on digital marketing while only $109 billion was spent on traditional methods. That is a $20 billion dollar increase!

Behavior of the Historic Consumer

In the past, people would primarily rely on word of mouth to get referrals and as time went on people began utilizing newspapers to advertise their services which would require consumers to keep sections of newspaper that they found interest in so later they could call when the time was right. The next phase society went through was phone books so when you needed a service you didn't call your neighbor, you instead would search through that giant phone book and find some businesses and...

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