'Expert' opinion not always worth a listen

Published date15 April 2024
Publication titleEvening Chronicle
However, before readers faint in disbelief, I should explain

As with Mr Gove, Mr Hodgkins has had enough of real experts, the ones qualified to give informed opinion and advice based on objective facts rather than subjective opinion. This is particularly true when those opinions contradict their own.

In my case I've had enough of self appointed experts, the bar room bores , the locker room lawyers and the radgie who insists on sitting next to you on the bus and giving you their unsolicited opinions on everything.

Brexit, ignore the lies, the OBR, IFS, KPMG and other "qualified" experts, (not to mention the evidence of your own eyes) it's a great success, just strap yourself in and enjoy the ride. Partygate, no worse than a working supper with beer and pizza. Downing Street the most non Covid compliant workplace in the country, certainly no worse than nursery children playing outdoors. Metro Mayors and combined authorities, blame local politicians for pursuing...

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