Foiled a gain

Published date05 March 2024
Publication titleDaily Star (England)
The Iron Maiden star, 65, uses the covering with gaffer tape after a show so no light gets in

But how much do you know about the everyday stuff? Here JAMES MOORE gets on a roll with 15 fascinating facts?


The original foil was made from tin and once used for tooth fillings as well as the first recordings on phonograph cylinders by inventor Thomas Edison in the 19th century.


Aluminium has been used instead since the early 20th century as it isn't as rigid and doesn't give food a metallic taste.


It was first manufactured at a rolling plant in Switzerland in the early 1900s and used to wrap Toblerone chocolate bars from 1911. Other food makers soon took up the idea.


During D-Day, Allied aircraft dropped aluminium foil, code-named Window, to fool German radar into thinking that a large naval force was heading for Calais, not Normandy.


The kitchen rolls we know today appeared after the conflict thanks to the fact that it's an effective barrier, keeping out air, light, moisture and germs.


Each UK household uses on average 144m of foil a year - a total of 15,000 tonnes.


Household foil is about 0.01mm thick. The rolling process produces a shiny and a matt side to each roll, but which side you use makes little difference to its performance.


You can increase the warmth in a room by placing tinfoil behind radiators, because it helps reflect the heat inwards. You can get special foil for this. It could save you a bit of cash on bills.


Foil could be useful in a heatwave too. Spreading it on windows that receive...

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