How does the type of product moderate consumers’ buying intentions towards traditional foods? (Study of consumer behavior in Indonesia)

Published date07 October 2019
Date07 October 2019
AuthorBudhi Haryanto,Djoko Purwanto,Amina Sukma Dewi,Edi Cahyono
Subject MatterStrategy,International business
How does the type of product moderate
consumersbuying intentions towards
traditional foods? (Study of consumer
behavior in Indonesia)
Budhi Haryanto, Djoko Purwanto, Amina Sukma Dewi and Edi Cahyono
Purpose This paper aims to explainthe relationship between product quality, price and convenience
with a positive attitudeand intention to buy traditional food. In addition,it also aims to explain the role of
the producttype in moderating the relationshipbetween these variables.
Design/methodology/approach Samples were taken non-randomly, consisting of 500 snack food
buyers and 500 restaurant food buyers.Some of the places chosen for sampling include Paragon Mall,
Solo GrandMall, Matahari Mall, Hartono Mall or other placesin Surakarta-Indonesia, where peoplespend
time relaxing. Furthermore, multiple structuralequations model (multi group SEM) is a statisticalmethod
used to explainthe relationship between theconceptual variables.
Findings Some of the findingsare as follows: before the product as a moderator,price and quality are
the variables that influence the positive attitude and the intention to buy, while the convenience is the
variable foundnot affecting both the positive attitude andthe intention to buy. After the product typeas a
moderator, for snacks, the test results indicate that the price, product quality and convenience are the
variables that affect the positiveattitude but do not affect the intention to buy. For restaurant food, test
results indicate that onlyprices and qualities affect positive attitudes, whereas convenienceis found not
to affect positive attitudes. Furthermore, only price and quality affect the intention to buy, while
convenienceis found not to affect the intention to buy.
Originality/value This paper underlinesthat the type of product is a moderatingvariable in the buying
behavior process of traditional foods. Regarding its role as a moderator variable, the relationships
betweenvariables that are conceptualized can be explainedin detail, along with their significance.
Keywords Consumer behaviour, Attitude, Intention, Traditional foods
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
The shift in the attitude of the Indonesian people towards migrantfood from local food or the
so-called traditional food, has occurred because of the influence of globalization. This is
marked by the difficulty of finding traditionalfood in several public areas, some of which are
already hard to find are klepon, jadah, Wajik and various other foods made from sticky rice,
then Tiwul, Ongol-ongol and various other foods made from cassava, hereinafter is
Nogosari, Kue Lapis, and various other types made from rice and coconut milk, as well as
various other types of snacks which are veryrare and hard to find. Likewise, the main menu
of traditional foods also includes fried chicken and grilled chicken. Soto stalls, Warung
Gudeg and others are increasingly marginalized by the existence of Kentucky Fried
Chicken, CA Fried Chicken, Burger King or other restaurants that offer Western, Chinese
cuisine, Korean and others. Also the traditional drinks such as Bajigur, the Wedang ronde,
Budhi Haryanto is based at
Fakultas Ekonomi dan
Bisnis, Universitas Sebelas
Maret Surakarta, Surakarta,
Indonesia. Djoko Purwanto
and Amina Sukma Dewi are
both based at the
Department of
Management, Universitas
Sebelas Maret, Surakarta,
Indonesia. Edi Cahyono is
based at the Department of
Management, Universitas
Sebelas Maret, Surakarta,
Indonesia and Department
of Management, Sekolah
Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Atma
Bhakti, Solo, Indonesia.
Received 30 October 2018
Revised 30 October 2018
Accepted 23 May 2019
DOI 10.1108/JABS-10-2018-0299 VOL. 13 NO. 4 2019, pp. 525-542, ©Emerald Publishing Limited, ISSN 1558-7894 jJOURNAL OF ASIA BUSINESS STUDIES jPAGE 525
the Kopi klotok and the Dawet have begun to be displaced by the presence of the Thai tea,
Milk Shake and other types of drinks that win the hearts of the people, the community. This
phenomenon has become a common concern and various efforts have been made starting
from the demonstration of making traditional foods through TV programs, food campaigns
at promotion or ceremonial events and other events aimed at increasing positive attitudes
and intentions from the community to return to traditional Indonesian food. This
phenomenon of concern is probablycaused by the growing Malls and modern markets and
the decline of traditional markets that lack education about the process of making and
serving traditional foods that are attractive to compete with newcomers. Another possibility
is that traditional food is a type of food that connotesless attention to hygiene; this happens
because in the traditional manufacturing process, less attention is given to the way of
presentation, the atmosphere of the store and attractive packaging, as well as other
marketing aspects that attract consumers.
The development of the traditional food business in Indonesia has shown unpleasant data
that there has been a shift in the interest of Indonesian people from traditional food to
foreign food or migrant food. Thisis indicated by the emergence of modern markets that are
growing rapidly at around 31.4 percent, and conversely traditional markets have decreased
by around 8.1 per cent. This condition has a negative impact on the number of sales of
traditional markets which declined by around 16.3-24 per cent, and also the amount of
revenue from traditional markets which declined by around 17.5-30 per cent as a
consequence of a decrease in the number of customers of around 29-32 per cent (Novan,
2016). This condition has implications for the decline in the interest of traditional food
entrepreneurs to do traditional food business, and this condition is further exacerbated by
the ability of traditional food entrepreneurs, most of whom have relatively low.
Previous studies have shown that some cases that are usually faced by traditional sellers
are a lack of understanding of what consumers are thinking, and do not try to serve
consumers well (Haryanto, 2014;Setiawan and Haryanto, 2014). Most traditionalsellers only
focus on what can be sold, and not sellwhat consumers want. Satisfaction is something that
is ignored by them, so individuals buy products only to meet consumer needs and not to
satisfy consumer desires. Related to this, traditional marketers need to understand the
factors that can influence the cognitive processes of consumers in an effort to improve their
marketing performance through consumer satisfaction. This process of cognition begins
with understanding how to think (cognitive), how to behave (affective) and how to act
(conative) from consumers, hereinafter referred to as the consumer behavior process
(Dodds et al.,1991;Engel et al., 1995). This is an approach that is considered effective in
solving problems of consumer behavior in an effort to improve marketing performance
through an individual cognitive perspective (Setiawan and Haryanto, 2014). This approach
is then used to resolve behavioral problems associated with traditional food purchase
decisions, both in the choiceof snacks and restaurant food.
Research on traditional foods has actually been done by many researchers before, but the
results still show diversity in terms of research themes, models and observed variables
(Gofton and Ness, 1991;Bredahl et al.,1998;Espejel et al.,2007;Ali et al., 2010;Loker
et al.,2013
;Wang et al.,2016; Motion, 2017). Starting with research conducted by Gofton
and Ness (1991) which took the theme of choiceof two foods. The research model explains
that there are 2 trends in food choices made by housewives, namely health reasons or
convenience reasons. The results show that a shift in food selection has occurred in
housewives, and this has negative consequences for lazy housewives because they
prioritize convenience over health in choosing food. Next Bredahl et al. (1998) which takes
the theme of research on perceptions of food quality. The conceptual model explains that
individual perceptions of product quality influence the purchasing decisions of pork.
Subsequent research with a different theme was carried out by Ali et al. (2010). The
conceptual model explains the Middle Easterners’ buying behavior towards food products

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