Iguazio Launches First Integrated Feature Store within its Data Science Platform.


Iguazio, the Data Science Platform built for production and real-time machine learning (ML) applications, has announced that it has launched the first production-ready integrated feature store, the company said.

The feature store, which sits at the heart of its data science platform, enables enterprises to catalogue, store and share features for development and deployment of AI in hybrid multi-cloud environments and is built to handle real-time use cases.

According to Gartner, one of the top barriers to AI implementation is the "complexity of AI solution(s) integrating with existing infrastructure"1. At the core of machine learning is the data, and operationalizing machine learning (MLOps) requires processing data at scale, building model-serving pipelines, and monitoring models for accuracy and drift. This is a long and resource-intensive effort.

Tech giants like Netflix, Twitter and Uber have already understood the inefficiency in this process and built their own feature stores to standardize the use of features across the organization and create a more efficient workflow. Iguazio is now bringing this capability to all enterprises, as a part of its platform.

Uniquely, the Iguazio unified online and offline feature store, integrated within its data science platform, provides next-level automation of model monitoring and drift detection, enables training at scale, and running continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) of machine learning (ML). It plugs seamlessly into...

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