Labour is driven by virtue-signalling, not by what people need

Published date06 April 2024
Publication titleHuddersfield Daily Examiner
HE people know what is at stake in these local and general elections. We have seen in London, Birmingham, Wales and other parts of the country what happens when Labour run something. Crime goes up, council tax goes up, waste goes up and services go down

Just look at our own town centre and surrounding areas for proof. We are carrying a £47m debt around our necks through mismanagement. They even clawed money back from local areas which councillors were going to spend on improving their areas.

Labour's virtue-signalling wasteful policies are driven by the latest fashionable fads rather than what the British people need or want. Flip-flop Starmer is always ready to jump on and off bandwagons whenever it suits him. He makes out that he is going to level the country up, with what, a self levelling compound which will be so thin it will never set.

And what of his second in command? Ms Rayner, she hated Thatcher, but loves her right-to-buy housing scheme. Problem is, she didn't fancy paying the capital gains tax on £48,500, the money she made from the sale. She was always fast on shouting out for disclosure or resign, well she needs to do the right thing, her time has come.

Hypocrites, they talk of being in touch with the people, yet they use private schools for their children and do very well in the financial stakes. Do as I say, not as I do. Keep them downtrodden and needy and their vote is guaranteed.

The Tories meanwhile have...

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