Publications Received Volume 18

Date01 December 2011
Published date01 December 2011
Subject MatterPublications Received Volume 18
18 MJ 4 (2011) 610
PUBLICAtIons ReCeIveD voLUMe 18
Ahmed, Tawhida, e Impact of EU Law on Minority Rights, Hart Publishi ng 2011, 209
p., hardback, £ 45, ISBN: 978–1-84113–872–5.
Bariatti, Stefa nia (ed.), Cases and Materials on EU Private International Law, Hart
Publishing 2011, 1 275 p., paperback, £ 40, ISBN: 978–1-84946–027–9.
Benyon, S. Frank, Direct Investment, National Champions and EU Treaty Freedoms.
From Maastricht to Lisbon, Ha rt Publishing 2010, hardback, £ 45, ISBN 978–1-
Büchler, Andrea, Islamic Law in Europe? Legal Pluralism and its Limits in European
Family Laws, Ashgate 2011, 168 p., hardback, £ 60, ISBN: 978–1-4094–2849–7.
Colombi Ciacchi, Aurelia and Weatherill, Stephen (eds.), Regulating Unfair Banking
Practices in Europe. e Ca se of Personal Suretyships, Oxford University Press 2010,
572 p., hardback, £ 100, ISBN: 978–0-19–959455–9.
Council of Europe, e Participa tion of Minorities in Public Life, Science and Technique
of Democracy, No. 45., Council of Europe Publishing 2 011, 137 p., paperback, €19,
ISBN 978–92–871–694 0–2.
Demortain, David, S cientists and the Regulation of Risk. Standa rdising Control, Edwa rd
Elgar 2011, 263 p., hardback, £ 75, ISBN: 978–1-84980–943–6.
Evans, Malcolm and Koutr akos, Panos (eds.), Beyond the Established Legal Orders. Policy
Interconnections between the EU and the Re st of the World, Hart Publishi ng 2011,
358 p., hardback, £ 50, ISBN: 978–1-84946–148–1.
Haritz, Mir iam, An Inconvenient Deliberation: e Precauti onary Principle’s Contribution
to the Uncertainties Surrounding Climate Change Liability, Dissertation to obtain
the degree of Doctor at the Maa stricht University, 557 p.
Henderson, Jane, e Constitution of the Russ ian federation. A Contextual Analysis, Hart
Publishing 2011 (Constitutional Systems of the World), 278 p., paperback, £ 14,95,
ISBN : 978–1- 84113–7 84–1.
Hodson, Loveday, NGOs and the Struggle for Human Rig hts in Europe, Hart Publi shing
2011, 200 p., hardback, £ 40, ISBN: 978–1-84113–961–6.
Joerges, Christia n and Falke, Josef (eds.), Karl Polanyi, Globalisation and the Potential of
Law in Transnational Markets, Hart Publ ishing 2011, 523 p., hardback, £ 60, ISBN:
978 –1-8494 6–119 –1.
Kiiver, Philipp and Kornet, Nicole (eds), Selected National, European and international
Provisions from Public and Private Law, Europa Law Publishing 2010, 929 p.,
paperback, €54, ISBN: 978–90–8952–093 –7.

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