'He's been so lucky': Dad's relief after son hit by car

Published date13 April 2024
Publication titleEvening Chronicle
Zion was catapulted onto the car's bonnet and smashed into its windscreen, his parents say

His shoulder took the full force of the car's impact and was left badly broken and in need of surgery.

But miraculously, 12-year-old Zion did not suffer any life-threatening injuries, and he is now recovering at home. As police continue to investigate the collision, Zion's dad has told of the moment he was told his son had been hit by a car.

Kevin, 41, said: "He really has been so lucky. He's got bruises all over his body and he's still in pain but it could have been so much worse. We won't be letting him out of our sight now. He's not going anywhere." Zion, who lives in Felling, Gateshead, with Kevin, his mum Melissa, 44, and two siblings, had asked his parents if he could go out and play on the field near their home, on the afternoon of Easter Sunday.

Kevin said his son regularly plays on the field, which is near the bypass and knows he is not allowed to cross the dual carriageway.

But Zion later decided to attempt to cross the road to meet up with his sister who was with friends on the other side. And after stepping out, close to Gateshead Stadium, he was hit by the car.

"He thought it was clear then a car has came and hit him," said Kevin. "He was there with one friend, the friend knows he's not allowed to cross the road, as does Zion."

Zion's 10-year-old friend quickly called for an ambulance before ringing his own mum who lives just doors away from the Douglas.' .

And when his neighbour knocked on the door to tell Zion's parents what had happened panic-stricken

Kevin raced up to the scene expecting the worse.

"I heard the words 'run over' and we just ran off to where he was," he said. "I was thinking I was going to get there and he was going to be lying on the road. It was absolute shock and panic."

When Kevin...

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