A Select Book List for Students of Police Administration

Published date01 July 1931
Date01 July 1931
Subject MatterArticle
A Select Book List for Students
Police Administration
Hon. Editor, The PoliceJournal, 19Z8-1930
THE literature dealing with subjects in which the profes-
sional police officer is interested is already large and is
increasing. Much that is published, however, is of ephemeral
or of purely local interest.
has been suggested to me that
a list of the books which either have become classics or have
more than a temporary value would, if accompanied by de-
scriptive analysis, be of value to all those who realize that the
police service has become a profession; and that, while prac-
tical experience is ofimmense importance, it should have, just
as all other professions have, a background of knowledge based
on the recorded experience of others.
practical difficulty
in preparing such a list is to decide what proportions are
reasonable. Every area in the Empire has its own literature
of text-books dealing with local lawsand local legal procedure.
object in view is to include the literature which has the
widest range of application throughout the British Common-
wealth. To achieve this object the wide margin of at least
fifty entries, but not much more than
has been suggested.
Not every student will have an equal interest in all the items
included; but it may be said that every police library at the
headquarters of any police force of any size would be
equipped if
did not include a fair proportion of the publica-
tions mentioned below.
Publications which should be of interest for any serious
student of the prevention and detection of crime, who belongs
to a police force, may be conveniently grouped under the
following main heads :

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