Published date27 March 2024
Publication titleLoughborough Echo
But which to grow? Any wellknown culinary herbs - parsley, chives, rosemary, thyme - are handy to have near the back door and are easily cultivated in a sunny, well-drained bed of soil or tub of potting compost

Basil and coriander are great "optional extras" that need warmth, so grow in pots indoors in winter on a warm windowsill or a container on a patio in summer.

Fresh lovage leaves are also useful as a flavouring for soups such as leek and potato, or in stuffing for chicken.

Dried seeds can be crushed and sprinkled onto salads, homemade bread or mashed potato.

Lovage grows readily in any moisture-retentive soil in sun or light shade, or a large tub. When you cut a...

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