Table of Statutory Instruments

AuthorPatricia Pearl/Tim Parker

Table of Statutory Instruments

References are to page numbers.

Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 (SI 2008/1053) (as amended)

Sch 1 fees 1.1, 1.2 (note) 48 Sch 2 48 Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (SI 1998/3132) xxvi, xxviii, xxix, xxx, xxxi, 3, 4, 5, 7, 15, 40, 80, 81, 82, 87, 114, 175, 202, 207, 247 Pt 1 – The Overriding Objective 4, 87, 203, 297, 299 r 1.1 xxix, 87, 93, 205, 297 r 1.1(1) 297 r 1.1(2) 203, 297 r 1.1(2)(a) 11, 204, 297 r 1.1(2)(b) 204, 297 r 1.1(2)(c) 74, 175, 297 r 1.1(2)(c)(i)–(iv) 297 r 1.1(2)(d) 88, 207, 297 r 1.1(2)(e) 207, 297 r 1.2(a), (b) 298 r 1.3 88, 298 r 1.4 88, 298 r 1.4(1) 183, 298 r 1.4(2)(a)–(h) 298 r 1.4(2)(i) 88, 183, 298 r 1.4(2)(j)–(l) 298 r 1.5 85 Pt 2 – Application and Interpretation of the Rules
r 2.3 xxvii, xxviii, xxix, 101 r 2.3(1) xxviii, 24, 46, 81, 118, 266 r 2.8 109, 110 r 2.8(2)–(4) 109 r 2.9 109 Pt 3 – The Court’s Case Management Powers 58, 88 r 3.1(2) 89 r 3.1(2)(a) 246 r 3.1(3) 246

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Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (SI 1998/3132) (continued)
Pt 3 – The Court’s Case Management Powers (continued)
r 3.1(4)–(6) 289 r 3.1A(5) 217 r 3.2 89 r 3.3 82, 89 r 3.3(6) 58, 91 r 3.3(6)(b) 92, 94 r 3.3(7) 90 r 3.4 82, 89 r 3.4(6) 90 r 3.7(4) 81 r 3.7A(1) 185 r 3.8 90 r 3.8(2) 92 r 3.8(4) 91 r 3.9 93 r 3.9(1)(a), (b) 93 r 3.10 109 r 3.11 90

Pt 6 – Service of Documents 100, 102 r 6.2(b) 102, 103 r 6.3 50 r 6.4 100 r 6.5 102 r 6.5(3) 102 r 6.7 39 r 6.8 39 r 6.9 39 r 6.9(3) 40 r 6.15 103, 104 r 6.17 100 r 6.17(2) 50 r 6.23 100 r 6.23(2) 34, 101 r 6.26 103 r 6.27 103

Pt 7 – How to Start Proceedings – The Claim Form 27, 29, 75 r 7.4(1)(b) 42 r 7.4(3) 42 r 7.5 26, 102, 104 r 7.6 104 r 7.6(3), (4) 105

Pt 8 – Alternative Procedure for Claims 29, 31, 67, 75 r 8.9(c) 75

Pt 10 – Acknowledgement of Service 62 r 10.3 54

Table of Statutory Instruments xliii

r 10.3(1)(a) 54 Pt 11 – Disputing the Court’s Jurisdiction 62 r 11.2 62 r 11.4 62 Pt 12 – Default Judgment
r 12.3(2) 65 r 12.3(3)(a)(ii) 67 r 12.4 67 r 12.4(1) 66 r 12.5(2) 109 r 12.5A 67, 80 r 12.6 67 Pt 13 – Setting Aside or Varying Default Judgment 246 r 13.2 236, 246, 248 r 13.2(c) 61 r 13.3 236, 247, 248 r 13.3(2) 247 r 13.4(3) 248 Pt 14 – Admissions
r 14.1(2) 58 r 14.1(4) 56 r 14.2(1) 56 r 14.2(3) 61 r 14.3 58 r 14.4 60 r 14.4(3) 56 r 14.5 60 r 14.5(2) 57 r 14.5(6) 56 r 14.5(9) 109 r 14.6 56, 61 r 14.6(2) 57 r 14.7 56, 61 r 14.7(9), (10) 56, 61 r 14.7A 57 rr 14.9–14.13 59 Pt 15 – Defence and Reply
r 15.4 54 r 15.4(1)(a) 54 r 15.4(1)(b) 60, 62 r 15.8 69 r 15.10(3) 63 r 15.11 67 Pt 16 – Statements of Case 118 r 16.2(2) 42 r 16.4(1) 41 r 16.4(1)(a), (b) 119

xliv Small Claims Procedure in the County Court

Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (SI 1998/3132) (continued)
Pt 16 – Statements of Case (continued)
r 16.4(2) 119 r 16.4(2) 43 r 16.4(2)(a)(i) 43 r 16.5 63, 64 r 16.5(1)(a)–(c) 120 r 16.5(2)(a), (b) 120 r 16.5(3) 120 r 16.5(4) 120 r 16.5(5) 120 r 16.6 65 r 16.7 121 r 16.7(1) 69

Pt 17 – Amendments to Statements of Case
r 17.1 122

Pt 18 – Further Information 110, 111, 302 Pt 19 – Parties and Group Litigation
r 19.3 33 Pt 20 – Counterclaims and Other Additional Claims xxvi, xxix, 65, 66, 73 r 20.2(1) 65 r 20.4(2) 64 r 20.5(1) 66 r 20.6(2)(a)(i) 66 r 20.7(3)(a) 66 Pt 21 – Children and Protected Parties xxviii, 33 r 21.1(2) 33 Pt 22 – Statements of Truth

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