Public Domain in UK Law
Public Domain Software on File
Public Domain Software on File offers a great wealth of programs on subjects that range from biorhythm to physics. Many of these can be of great use to many people. However, the package also contai...
‘Dedicating’ Copyright to the Public Domain
This article explores whether authors can dedicate their copyright to the public domain. Such dedications are becoming increasingly relevant as authors now see the expansion of the public domain as...
Reconstituting the Global Public Domain — Issues, Actors, and Practices
This article draws attention to a fundamental reconstitution of the global public domain — away from one that for more than three centuries equated the ‘public’ in i...
New Rights Advocacy in a Global Public Domain
Social and economic policy decisions are increasingly being taken in a global public domain in which national/transnational boundaries are blurred, and the `public' ...
Peter Self's Legacy: Economic Hegemony and the Public Domain
Peter Self (1919-1999) was a participant in the policy-making domain as well as a distinguished academic. This assessment is primarily concerned with his contribution ...
Natural Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain
No natural rights theory justifies strong intellectual property rights. More specifically, no theory within the entire domain of natural rights thinking – encompassing classical liberalism, liberta...
Citizenship and Government: The Challenge for Management in the Public Domain
The domains of the public and private are different. Analysis of management which obscures their distinctive characteristics will miss the significance of each domain. This paper seeks to analyse t...
Precautionary Maybe, but What's the Principle? The Precautionary Principle, the Regulation of Risk, and the Public Domain
The ‘precautionary principle’, originating in the field of environmental protection but now widely applied, is a major point for discussion in the regulation of risk. Though promising proactive and...
“Less is more”. Mining useful features from Twitter user profiles for Twitter user classification in the public health domain
Purpose: This work studies automated user classification on Twitter in the public health domain, a task that is essential to many public health-related research works on social media but has not be...
- Book Review: Management for the Public Domain: Enabling the Learning Society
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