No. 74-6, May 2022
- A spatio-temporal emotional framework for knowledge extraction and mining in digital humanities
- Evaluating transfer learning approach for detecting Arabic anti-refugee/migrant speech on social media
- Influence of social support on individual health knowledge adoption in online diabetes communities: the mediating role between cognition and emotion
- Institutional isomorphism and social media adoption – a study within the microenterprise context
- Millennials' online perceptions: the role of cultural characteristics in creating e-loyalty
- Online community development in the early stages: the life cycle model application to Medical Sciences Stack Exchange
- Predicting ratings of social media feeds: combining latent-factors and emotional aspects for improving performance of different classifiers
- Reputation, trust, and norms as mechanisms forming academic reciprocity in data sharing: an empirical test of theory of collective action
- The effects of topic familiarity on college students' learning search process
- The impact of gamification on the patient's engagement in the online health community
- The maturity of open government data maturity: a multivocal literature review
- “A system that will do magic”: organizational perspective on the technological layer in knowledge management