No. 18-4, December 2016
- Book Review: From Social Competition to Social Dumping
- Book Review: Non-Standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets. An Occupational Perspective
- Book Review: Research Handbook on European Social Security Law
- Book Review: Social Policy in Times of Austerity. Global Crisis and the Politics of Welfare
- Book Review: The Autonomy of Labour Law
- Comprehensive Sickness Insurance as a Condition for EU Citizens' Residence in other Member States: A Need for Reform?
- Overview of Recent Cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union (January–June 2016)
- Re Shaping the Paradigm of Social Solidarity in the EU: On the UK's Welfare Reforms and Pre- and Post-EU Referendum Developments
- Social Assistance and Minimum Income Benefits: Benefit Levels, Replacement Rates and Policies across 26 Oecd Countries, 1990–2009