No. 83-2, April 2019
- A Normative Case for Abolishing the Doctrine of Extended Joint Criminal Enterprise
- Conviction by Consent? Vulnerability, Autonomy and Conviction by Guilty Plea
- Householders and Self-defence: Understanding a Defendant’s Belief That the Victim Is a Trespasser: R v Cheeseman [2019] EWCA Crim 149
- Joint Enterprise Liability: Recent Developments and Judicial Responses
- Proceeding in Absence: The ‘Default Position’ in Magistrates’ Courts? R v Rathor [2018] EWHC 3278
- The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991: The Police Dog Exemption: R v PY [2019] EWCA Crim 17
- The Wrong Side of the Line? Trafficking Victims Compelled to Commit Offences and Prosecutorial Discretion: R v EK (Kolesnikova) [2018] EWCA Crim 2961
- Undermining the Advice of a Solicitor: HM Advocate v Hawkins [2017] HCJAC 79; 2017 SLT 1328; 2018 SCCR 1
- Whither Section 89(1) of the Police Act 1996?